(1.)Nissihi (Renunciation)
1.First Nissihi
2.Second Nissihi
3.Third Nissihi
(2.)Pradakshina (Circumambulation)
1.First Round
2.Second Round
3.Third Round
Pranam (salutation)
2.Half prostration
3.Almanac beloved greetings
(4.)Puja (worship)
3.Ashtprakari puja
(5.)Avasthachintan (Contemplating)
1.) Pindastha avastha
2) Padastha avastha
3) Aroopastha avastha.
(6.)Dishatyag (Do not see here and there)
1.Abandon the right direction
2.Abandon the left direction
3.Give up reverse direction.
(7.)Pramarjan (Cleaning the ground before sitting down):
1.Land conservation
2.Extension of arms and legs
3.Head extension
(8.)Alamban (support)
1.Embrace of genie
2.Attachment of formula
3.Sutrarath’s fascination
(9.)Mudras (postures for meditation)
1.Yoga Mudra
2.Muktashukti Mudra
3.Jin Mudra
(10.)Pranidhan (be absorbed)
1.Determination of mind
2.Declaration of promise
3.Body Presentation