Snatra Puja Vidhi (English)

Snatra Puja Vidhi (English)



Stand with Kalash in both hands 

Recite the Navakar Mantra three times.


Saras Shanti Sudharas Sagaram; 

Shuchi-taram gun-ratna-mahagaram, 

Bhavik pankaj bodh-divakaram; 

Pratidinam pranamami Jineshwaram. 1


I bow to the Lord Jineshwar who represents eternal peace, eternal knowledge and eternal virtues.


Kusumabharan uterine; Padimadhariye vivek, Majjanpithe thapine; Do water Abhishek. 2


With reverence, we remove the flowers and ornaments of the previous puja from Lord’s statue and prepare it for the snatrapuja with Jal Abhishek (Bathe with pure water).


Do the Jal(water) Abhishek on right foot toe of the idol, wipe the murti with clean Angaluchana (clean white material), perform the nav ang (nine points) puja with kesar and stand with the thali (Plate) of Kusumanjali.


Every time the word” Kusumanjali Melo” is recited, put some Kusumanjall on the right toe of the idol…


Those who are ever alive will seek me; Rayan-kalay-kalsenhi, Devasurehimrahaveo; Te dannajehim dithosi. 3


Blessed are those who have witnessed the birth celebration of the Lord Jineshwar performed on the Merushikhar by Devas (Demigods) and Asuras (Devils)


We did not pour pure water; Vastra amulak anga dharave, Kusumanjali melo aadi jinanda; Siddhaswarupi has become pure, the essence is pure and pure; Kusumanjali Melo Aadi Jinanda! 4


By bathing the Lord with pure water and offering precious clothes, ornaments and flowers, we pray to become humble at heart like him. We offer this Kusumanjali to Aadinath Jineshwar who has achieved the siddha swarup.


Machakundchamp Malae; Kamalaipushpak Panchvannai,

 Jaganah Nahvan Samaye; Deva kusumanjaliditi. 5


Kusum (Five types of rare and precious flowers) are offered (Anjali) to the Lord by devas at the birth celebration. Namorhat Siddhacharyopadhaye Sarv Sadhubhyah!


I bow to the Arihantas, Siddhas, Acharyas, Upadhyayas and Sadhus!


Those who are held in the Rayan throne; May God feed us with Kusumanjali, May we give you peace; May the Siddhaswarupi body be blessed, may the soul be made happy; May the Kusumanjali give you peace! (6)


After installing(sthapana) the Lord Shantinath’s statue on the ornamented throne, we offer this kusumanjali at Lord’s feet.


Jin tinhu kalasiddhani; Padima gunbhandar, Tasucharane kusumanjali; Bhavik Durit Harnar.(7)


Our paaps(bad karmas) are destroyed when we offer this kusumanjali at the feet of the Siddha Bhagwan who is eternally virtuous.


Namorhat Siddhacharyopadhaye Sarv Sadhubhyah


Krushnagaru var dhup dharije; Sugandhkar kusumanjali dije, Kusumanjali melo Nemi Jinanda; Siddha’s form remains intact, the essence is pure and perfect; Kusumanjali Melo Nemi Jinanda! 8


We offer pure fregrance of the Dhup(incense) to Lord Nemi Jineshwar and pray to him to bless the universe with happiness.


Jasu primal hair dahi disi; Mahukar jankar sad sangiya, Jin chavanovaaree mukka; Surunar kusumanjali siddha. 9


Devas (Demigods) and Humans aspire to reach the Siddhipad with this Kusumajali whose fragrance permeates all


Ten Dishas(directions).


Namorhat Siddhacharyopadhaye Sarv Sadhubhyah!


Paas Jinesar jayakari hai; The water bearer is the water bearer,

Kusumanjali melo Parshwa Jinanda. Siddha Swarupi Ang Pakhali;

The soul is pure, happy, beautiful, Parshwa Jinanda! (10)


With fragrant flowers and kalash of water in both hands, we offer this Kusumanjali to the Lord Parshwnath Bhagwan

who is known in all the universes.


Muke Kusumangali sura; Vir charan sukumal,

Te Kusumanjali Bhavik na; Paper hare tran kal.



Namorhat Siddhacharyopadhaye Sarv Sadhubhyah!


As the fragrance of the flowers eliminates the unpleasent odors, this kusumanjali is offered at the feet of Mahavir Bhagwan to eliminate the sins of three kals (past, present and future).


Vividh safflower var jati wheati; Jincharane panmant gahevi, Kusumanjali melo Vir Jinanda; Siddha’s form remains intact, the essence is pure and perfect; Kusumanjali Melo Vir Jinanda! 12


This kusumanjali of Only rare and beautiful flowers are offered at the charan (feet) of the Lord Mahavirswami by the devotees.


Navanhkale navanhkale; Dev demon sammuchiya, Kusumanjali tahi santhviya; Passing on such primordial fragrance, Jin paysakamale nivadei; Vigdharhar as named Manto, Anant Chauvis Jin; Vasav maliya ases, sa kusumanjali sukhakaro; Chauvih Sangh Vishesh,Kusumanjali melo chauvish jinanda! 13


Namorhat Siddhacharyopadhaye Sarv Sadhubhyah!


At the bathing ceremony, all the devas and daanavs (together) offer this fragrant kusumanjali that permeates in all ten directions. Just as all the Indras praise the infinite cycles of chauvisis (24 thirthankars), sakal sangh (all devbotees) also rejoices in offering this kusumanjali.


Anant Chauvisi Jinajji is alive; Present Chauvisi Sambharu, Fair Chauvisi Jinaj, Fair Chauvisi Jinaj. Siddha Swarupi is alive in the form of a snake; The soul becomes pure and pure; Fair Chauvis Jinaj, Fair Chauvis Jinaj! 14


While we remember all the chauvisis, with this kusumanjali, we offer special reverence to the current chauvisi for their blessings.


Mahavidhe Sampratee; Viharman Jin Vis,

Worship me with devotion; make efforts for the union.(15)


Namorhat Siddhacharyopadhaye Sarv Sadhubhyah!


We pray to the Twenty Jineshwars of the future chauvisi who are presently in the Mahavideh kshetra to bless the sangh (Samaj) today.


Appachar Mandali geet uchara; Shree SHUBHVIRVIJAY Jayakara,

Kusumanjali melo Sarva jianda; Siddha Swarupi Ang Pakhali,

The atom is pure and beautiful; Kusumanjali melo sarva jananda! 16


The sangh is singing the songs, just as the apsaras (dancers of the devlok) are chanting the melodies of joy and happiness, Shree Shubhvijay Maharaj interprets this auspicious occassion of the birth of sarve (all) jinashawars with this kusumnjali.


At this time, the devotees put kusumanjali on the right toe of the Bhagwan.


The following Duhas (verses) are recited by every one and the people in puja clothes does the pradakshina (walk around the Murti) three times.



One’s eyes are filled with tears; When I seek someone’s feelings, I eat my karma (1)


With every step I take on the Shetrunjay Mahatirth (pilgrimage), I pray for the blessings from the Rushabhdev Bhagwan to eliminate my karmas.


Do the Khamasamanu! Icchami khamasamano! Vandium Javanijjae Nishihiae? Matthaena Vandami!


I offer obeisance to the Lord Jineshwara and Ksama-Sramana…..


Shetrunjay himself did not tire, Reekhav himself did not leave; Gautam did not appreciate the guru, he was the only one!.. 2


I repeatdly bow to the incomparable Shetrunjay tirth, Rushabhdev Bhagwan and Guru Shri Gautamswami.

Icchami Khamasamano.

Sidhachal Samaru sada, Sorath country mahan;

Every human life has been filled with thousands of vandus!…3


I bow a hajjar (thousands) times to the Lord for blessing me with this Manushya Bhava (Human life) in this Bharat Kshetra (our universe)

Icchami Khamasamano……..

Chaitya Vandan Vidhi


This Vandana (bow) is worshiping the Lord Mahavir and other Tirthankars with utmost sincerity and modesty.


I bow to all the places of pilgrimage and to the idols of the omniscients in heaven, another world and this world of ours!


I salute to the Jin idols in all three worlds.


I offer obeisance to the Lord Jineshawar and Ksama-Sramana.


I offer obeisance to all the Sramana’s present in the regions of Bharat, Airawat and Mahavideh Kshetra.


I bow to the Panch Paramesthi,


Perform the Chaityavandan vidhi

 Stand holding the kalash with both hands


Sayal Jineshwar pay my name; Kalyanak vidhi tas, Varnavata sunata thaka; Sangh ni puge aash…………1..


Bowing down at the feet of the Jineshwar Bhagwan; describing and celebrating the birth ceremony of the Jineshwar Bhagwan, the sakal sangh wish to fulfill the desire of soul purification.

Samakit gun thane parinamya; Vali vratdhar sanyam sukh ramya, tap kari vidhishthanak; Such a feeling gave the dilemma…………1


In the earlier bhavs Jineshwar was bom in various families where he lived a very happy but very religious life. He observed 20 different very difficult penances and became very passionate at heart for all living beings.


Whatever happens, I will get strength;

Savvi jiv karun shashanrasi,

Washing is done in a small vessel;

Tirathankar takes out the name. 2


Jineshwar Bhagwan, in his prior lives, prayed to have the strengh to guide everyone towards the path of enlightment and in the process he acquired the essentials to become the Tirthankar.


Saragathi Sanyam Acharya;

Vachma is a goddess,

Chyavvi pannar kshetra avatare;

Madhya khande pan rajavi kule……3


Living all his lives with dedication and religion, he attains one Devlok bhav(life) before being bom in Bharat kshetra- One of the five kshetras. He was born in the central section of the Bharat kshetra in the royal family.


The hut is empty;

The man in the lake laughed,

Sukh sheiyaye rajani glass;

look at the rising chaud… 4


He was born to the Queen, one with all the virtues. He shined like a beautiful swan in the heavenly lake. One night, as she was resting happily, she saw fourteen dreams in the early morning.

First you gave Gajvar, then you paid Vrushabh,

Three Kesari Sinh, fourth Lakshmi abih… 1

Panchame Phool ni Mala, Chatthe Chandra Vishala, Ravi rato Dhvaj mhoto, Puran Kalash nahi choto…… 2


Dashame Padma Sarovar, Agiyarme Ratnakar, Bhuvan Viman ratna gangi, Agni shikha Dhumra varjit….3 


The dream is not filled with rays, Raja arth prakashe, Putra 

Tirthankar Tribhuvan namashe, Sakal manorath phalashe….4


In her dreams, she saw


1. The white elephant

2. The white bull

3. The king of the lions

4. The beautiful goddess Laxshmi

5. The flower garland

6. The cool moon

7. The hot sun

8. The white flag

9. The auspicious kalash-pot-

10. The ocean

11. The heavnly lake

12. The heap of pearls

13. The devine aeroplane

14. The smokeless fire.


Startled by such dreams, she wakes up the King Siddharth and describes her dreams. The King with his higher knowledge, analyzes the dreams and tells the Queen that a great soul is going to be born. He will rule the three bhuvans, and become the Tirthankar and guide everyone to the path of religion.


Avadhi naane; avadhi naane; Upana Jinaraja, Jagatjas paramanua; vistaarya vishwajantu sukhakar, mithyatva tara nirbala; dharma uday parbhat beautiful.


The Jinraj will be bom at the perfect time when all the stars in the heaven will be in the proper positions. Every one will feel the unique bliss and peace and even the smallest souls will feel unique hapiness. Even the souls of the Hell will feel less miserable. This will be the dawn of religion and everyone will be feeling joyous for unknown reasons.


Mother Anandiya; awakening religious knowledge,

Jaananti jaag tilak samo; hose son pradhan…… 1


Realizing the greatness of the soul, the queen did religious activities, sang the stavans for the rest of the night


Those born under the influence of morning;

There is a happy light in hell,

Sukh pamiya Tribhuvan jana;

There was a burning sensation. 1


The Tirthankar was born in the first prahar-midnight- on the thirteenth day of the bright half of the chaitra around April. Every one felt the joy in all the three bhuvans and even the souls of the hell felt the happiness. It was the dawn of the religion.


Here the Vir Vijayaji Maharaj is describing the birth celebration.


Sambhalo kalash jin mahotsav no inha;

Dear Miss Dishi, you had a foreign girl,


Please listen to the celebration of the birth by the Indras, the devs, and the devis, this celebration will go on for two prahars-midnight to 6 a.m. Fifty six young devis from all the directions arrived first.


Maa sut namiye aanand adhiko dhere; 

These things are as common as they are,


They bow to the Queen with the heart full of joy. Eight devis blow the wind to remove all the dirt from the surroundings.


Vrusthi Gandhodake Asth Kumari Kare; Aath Kalasha Bhari Aath Darpana Dhara,


Eight devis sprinkled the perfumrd water and freshened the air. Eight devis brought the purest of the water to bathe the Jinesshwar and other eight devis stood with mirrors in their hands.


Asth chamar dhare Asth pankha lahi; Char Raksha Kari Char Deepakgrahi,


Eight devis are holding the chamar (fan) above the mother and the son while other eight are blowing the wind gently with the fans in their hands. Four devis are standing in each corner as the the protector of the baby and other four stands with lighted lamps in their hands.


There may be no milk in the house; Karan Shuchi Karma Jal Kalashe Nhavaravati,


Many devis from all the lokas came to join in the celebration. The other devis made three small huts with banana leaves With deep religious feelings in their heart, they took the baby in the first hut to clean and took him to the second to bathe with pure water and dry him up with angluchana (clean white towels).


Kusoom puja alankar paheravati;

My dear friend, I am happy to see you,


They dressed him in beautiful clean clothes and took him to the next hut. Here they tied the raksha potali( red thread)

around the wrists to protect him from all the bad demons and any trouble causing elements. They dressed him with

rich jewelary. They took the baby back to the Queen and laid him back next to her.


Namiya says, I will make you cry;

Meru ravi chandra lage jivaje jagpati,

Swami gave gun; come home now,

Tene same Indra sinhasan kaampavati….. 4


While bowing down to the mother and the son, they are praising his greatness. They are telling the mother that we

wish your little lively and beautiful boy will live as long as there are sun and moon in the sky. They went to their own

homes dancing and praising and being marry. At that time the sinhasan (throne) of the Indra Maharaj shook.


Jin janmyagi; Jin Veela Janani Dhar,

Tin Velagi; Indra Sinhasan is there,

When the Queen gave birth to the Jineshwar, the throne of the Indra Maharj shook


Rightnottargi; Jeta Jin Janame Yada,

Dishinayakgi; Soham Ishan Binhu Tada…….1


The sinhasan of the Indra of the south region of the Bharat kshtrea was shaken by this birth.


Tada chinte Indra manama;

Which occasion came,

Startled by this, the Indra Maharaj is wondering what kind of incident took place in his region that shook his sinhasan.

 Snatra Puja


Jin’s mother’s beloved; 

Harsh anand upanyo……….1


With his devine (clairvoyent) vision, he realizes that the Jineshwar is born and was very very happy.


Sughosh comes and calls the hour; 

Ghosana Surame,


He requested another Dev, Sughosh, to ring the bells of the universe. He has an announcment to make.


Savvi deva janma mahotsave;

 Aavajo Surgirivare……..2


To all the Indras, devis and the devas, it is my great pleasure and previlage to invite you all for the celebration of the birth of the Jinrshwar. Please join in the celebration right away.




Em sambhaligi; Survar kodi aavi mallya; 

Janma mahotsavji; Karava walked over me;


Listening to the invitation, every one in all the universes felt happy and honored. All the Indras, their families and their entourage in millions came to the top of Meru Parvat(mountain) where the celebration will take place.


Sohampatiji; Daughter-in-law’s wife’s wife; Mother Jinneji; vaandi Prabhune vaadhaviya……3


The Indra -Sohampatiji goes with his entourage to the mother and with utmost reverence and respect bows to the mother and the Lord.



The bride said; he Ratna Kukshi;


Snatra Puja

Dharini; you are my beloved,

The Sohampatiji sprinkles the rice, bows down to the mother who gave birth to the jewel of the universe and congratulates her


Hu Shakra Soham Naame Karashu;

Birth is very important,


My name is Shakra Sohampati, and I am here to take the Jineshwar for the most auspicious birth celebration.

Where are the images established?

God is the recipient of five rupees,


While saying that he puts a spell of deep sleep on the mother and creates a replica of the baby and lays him next to the


mother. He assumes five different swarups -forms to protect the baby from all directions and gently carries the baby.


Dev Devi danced harshly with each other;

Surgiri came there……..4


All the dev and devis present there, felt very very happy and joined Sohampatiji to go to the Meru parvat.


Meru Uparji; Panduk dished something called;

Shila uparji; Sinhasan man ullase,


On the Meru Parvat there are five Vans (forests) and The Panduk Van is at the top with beautiful Shilas(rocks). On the highest peak of one of the shilas, there is the beautiful Indra Sinhasan (throne)

Tinha bejiji; Shakre Jin open the dharya, Hari Tresathji; Bija had avi mallya…5


The Shakra Indra is sitting with the baby in his lap. Rest of the sixty three Indras also are present around the Jineshwar.


Malya Chosath; Surpati is alone, Kare Kalash is alive,

All sixty four Surpatijis Indras are in one place together and celebrating the occasion with eight kinds of beautiful and carved kalashes(water jugs) in their hands.


Magdhadi water pilgrimage Ashadhi; Sunlit daughter in law,

They have brought with them pure water from different mountains, aushadhis (herbal medicines) and various fragrances.


Achutpati hukam kino; Saambhlo Deva save,


Achutpati -The Shakra Indra- makes the announcement to all the devas gathered, to listen to him.


Khirajaldhi went down and brought it down; Jatiti Jin janma mahotsave…..6


Please bring in the sacred water from the milky ocean quickly and lets start the celebration.


Surbhaline Sanchariya; Maghad Vardaam Chaliya,

As soon as they heard the orders, some went to various places.


Padma graha Ganga aave; Nirmal Jal kalasha bharave…..1


Some went to the Padma sarovar and filled their beautiful jugs with pure water.


The Tirtha takes the water of Ashadhi; The Vali finally goes to the sea;


Some went to various auspious mountains for fresh spring water and some went to the Kshir samudra(milky ocean).


Fill the Kalasha with water; Bring a change of flowers…..2


Everyone brought plenty of different waters and they also brought numerous plates full of various rare and fragrant flowers. They also brought all the rest of the things needed for the celebration,

thick chamar sari; thick sari of the sun;

Some stood around holding the Chamar(fan) in their hands, some stood around with various dhoops delicious sweets in beautiful carved plates. and


Siddhante bhakya jeh; Equipment meelave teh……..3


Some stood with beautiful clothes.


The Goddess Surgiri has come; God is seen and found;


All the devas are very happy at the sight of the Prabhu on the Meru Parvat


Kalashadhik Sahu had left; Devotees sing the gun of Prabhuna……4


Every one places their Kalash at the feet of Jineshwar and are all singing the joyous songs of his praise.


Here the Vir Vijayaji Maharaj describes why everyone came for the celebration.


The God of devotion to God; What mittanu jaai;


Some devas came with their heartfelt religious devotion to join in the celebration and some came for a friendly socialization.


The woman who prayed for her life would bury it; Dharmi dharma sakhaee,


Some came on the request of their religious wives and some came under social pressure in the respected society.


Joish vyantar bhuvan patina; Veimanik sur ave;

The Jyotish, Vyantar, Bhuvan Pati and Vaimanik-all four types of devas and their Indras came.


Achhutpatie Hukame Dhari Kalasha; Arihante Navaraave, Atam……1


The Indra Maharaj orders everyone standing with the kalash to bathe the Jineshwar.


Here the Muniji is describing how many Kalasha abhisheks were offered.


Ad caste Kalashas Pratyeki; And also courageous Pramano,


The Kalashes are made of eight different rare and precious elements and everyone is standing with eight thousands kalashes of each kind.


Chausath sahas hua abhisheke; Know the meaning of sin,


There are two hundred and fifty devas and devis and each one has sixty four thousand kalashes in their hands. They all offers the Abhishek.


with one penny above lakh; Kalasano authority,

Total one karod and sixty lakhs (sixteen million) abhisheks were offered, Here the Muniji is describing who were the two hundred and fifty devotees.


Baasath Indra had his own Baasath; Lok pal na char…Atam…2


Of the total sixty four Indras, sixty two are standing around with Kalashs in their hands. One Indra of the first deviak is sitting with the baby and one Indra of the second devlok is standing beside him. There are char (four) Lokpal Indras standing.


Chandra ni pankti chyasath chyasath, Ravi shreni narloko


There are sixty six devas of the moon and sixty six devas of the sun.


Gurusthanak surkero ekaja, Samanik no aeko,


There is one representative from the gurusthanak (Gurus of Indras) and one from the rest of the Samanik Indras.


Sohampati ishan patini, Indrani is in the sun,


Total sixteen, eight on each side, are Indranis of Sohampati and Ishanpati.


Asoor ni dash Indrani, Naagni, Baar kallol…Atam…3


Asoor Indra has ten Indrani and Naag Indra has twelve. Every one is happily singing


Jyotish Vyantar Indra ni chau chau; Parshada tran no eko,


Char (four) each Indranis of the Jyotish and the Vyantar are standing. One Indra is representing three Parshada (comittees) of all the Indras,


Attack the monster; one each suviveko,


One each Abhishek representing the Katakpati (Leader of the Army) and Ang Rakshak (body guards) are offered.


Parchuran sur no chelo; This adhinse abhisheko,


One Abhishek from all the rest of the Indras makes it all togather two hundred and fifty Abhisheks.


Ishan Indra says come to me; God has given me the ultimate…4


The Ishan Indra requsts the Shakra Indra to have the baby Prabhu in his lap for a moment.

One Abhishek from all the rest of the Indras makes it all togather two hundred and fifty Abhisheks.


Ishan Indra says come to me; God has given me the ultimate…4


The Ishan Indra requsts the Shakra Indra to have the baby Prabhu in his lap for a moment


Tav tas khole thavi arihane; Sohampati man range,


The Indra lays the baby gladly in his lap and sohampati was overwhelmed with joy and happiness.


Vrushabh rupa kari shrunga jale bhaari; Please pray Lord!



The Shakra Indra now assunes the form of the Vrushabh (bull) and poures pure clean water from his both homs and performs the abhishek (pakshal).


Pushapadik pujine chhante; kari kesar rang role,


He humbly offers beautiful flowers sprinkled with kesar (saffron) all around.


Mangal divo aarati karata; Survar jay jay bole…atam…5


Every one performs the Aarti and Mangal divo and rejoices the occassion with the Jay Jay songs of his praise.


Bheri bhrungal tal bajavat; Valiya Jin kar dhari;


Now that the Abhisheks are over, some are playing rare instruments and giving rythems. Everyone is dancing and singing,


carrying the Jin in their hands. Janani ghar mata ne sonpi;


Eni pere vachan ucchari;


The Indra carries the baby back to the mother. He removes the spell from her as he lays the baby next to her and wakes her up.


Putra tamaro; Swami amaro; Am sevak aadhar;


He tells the mother that he is your son but he is our swami (Lord). We are his devotees and he is our savior.


Panch dhavi rambhadik sthapi; Prabhu khelavan har. atam…6..


With love and gratitude, he lays toys as a gift for him to play with.


Batrish kodi kanak mani manik; Vastra ni vrusty karave,

He lays thirty two million different kinds of jewels, diomands and other precious stone jewelary and plenty of beautiful clothes


Puran harsh kareva karam; Dwip nandishwar jave;

Still full of joy and excitment, they all went to Nandishwardip to continue the celebration there.


Kariy atthai utsav deva; neej neej kalpa sadhave;

nit nit Jin gum gave,..Atam…7


All Devas observed Atthai (eight day festival) and then they all went back to their own places.


Diksha keval ne abhilashe;


Everyone is praying eagerly for him to grow quickly, take the diksha (monkhood) and receive the Kevalgyan soon. They

are very eager to hear his cermons soon.

Here the Vir Vijayaji Maharaj praises all his Gurus in succession.


Tapagaccha ishar Sinh surishwar; Kera shishya vadera

Satya Vijay panyasatane pad; Kapoor Vijay gambhira;


In Tapagachha, there is Maharaj Shree Sinh Surishwarji. His smart shishya (pupil) is Panyas Shree Satya Vijayji Maharaj.

He has a solemn shishya by the name Shree Kapoor Vijayji Maharaj


Khima vijay tas sujas vijayana; Shree Shubh Vijay savaya;

Pandit VIRVIJAY tas shishye; Jin janma mahotsav gaya;..Atam…8


is shishya Shree Khima Vijayaji Maharaj has a very inteligent shishya Sujas Vijayaji Maharaj whose shishya Shree Shubh Vijayji Maharaj has a bright student Pandit Shree VIRVIJAYJI MAHARAJ who is describing this celebration of the birth of the Tirthankar Bhagwan.


Utakrustha ekaso ne sittere; Samprati vichare vish;

I bow to all possible one hundred and seventy Tirthankar of this present cycle at one time. Twenty of them are present in this adhidwip in the Bharat Kshetra.


Atit anagat kale ananta; Tirthankar jagdish;


There has been numerous Tirthankars from the begining and there will be numourous in the future and I bow to all of them.


Sadharan e kalash je gave; SHREE SHUBHVIR savvai; Mangal lila sukhabhar pave; Ghar ghar harsh vadhai;…9


Shree Shubh Vijayji Maharaj says, anyone who offers this abhishek with deep religious belief, will be blessesd with joy, happiness and prosperity in their homes.

All the devotees sprinkle the rice at this time.

The devotees bathe the Jineshwar with milky water, perform the seva with kesar and offer the flower while other devotees sing various religious stavans.

Lun Utaro


The Jal Abhishek is done three times around the face of the murti while reciting this sutra.


Lun utaro jinvar ange; Nirmal jal dhara man range,……1


Jeem jeem tad tad lunaj foote; Teem teem ashubh karm bandh toote,…2


Nayan saluna Shree Jinji na; anupam roop daya ras bhina,…..3.


Roop salunu Jinaji nu dise; Lajyu lun te jal ma pese,….4


Tran pradakshina dei jaldhara; Jalan khepavi e lun udara,….5


Je jin upar dumano prani; Tem em thajo lun jyu pani,….6


Agar krushnagar kundaru sugandhe; Dhoop kari je vividh prabandhe,….7


After performong the ashthaprakari puja, this ritual is sung by the devotees.


This vidhi is performed to express love, affection and care for the newly born Tirthankar. The devotee is asking for forgivness, to remove any bad spells and for losing concentration in the worldly matters during the snatra puja vidhi.


The Aarti is performed to celebrate and sing the praises of Adishwar Bhagwan,


The Mangal Divo is performed to reanact the dedication and faith of Raja Kumarpal.


The Shanti Kalash And Moti Shanti Slokas


After the aarti is performed, everyone sits down quietly to this vidhi.


One of the devotee sings this slokas loud and clear and everyone listens.


This slokas are recited to ask for his blessing and to preserve peace in every living soul in the universe.


Perform Three Khamasamano!

Repeat Chaitya Vandan vidhi.






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