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Anumodna aava niyam lenarao ni….

Anumodna aava niyam lenarao ni….

Anumodna aava niyam lenarao ni….

One of the most innovative way to give Aadesh given at Girnarji Mahatirth in 99 Yatra!!!!

1)Sona chandi na varakh no prakshal – chath na tapasvio ne
2)Sarva aushadhi no prakshal
— Aajivan choviyaar person who took aadesh is of 22 years only
3)Dudh no prakshal – Internet no tyag i.e not to be used in mobile, lap tops, desktop pc, etc age of person who took aadesh is of 25years
-4)Kesar no prakshal – swadhay ma 2yrs ma 3500 new gatha karvani
-5)Kesuda no prakshal – done by 2 persons – approx 1500 besna and 2yrs ma 100 beshna… In this aadesh almost 50% of the yatriks took the aadesh
-6)Attar & gulab jal no prakshal – TV no tyag i.e complete tyag not be seen in mobile phn, via internet on pc etc etc for 15 years person who took is of 22years
7)Vaskep no prakshal – Outside foods no tyag even packed foods not allowed for 2 years
–8)1more prakshal – maharaj saheb pase 3months rokava javanu

Dhanya ho Girnar 99Yatriko ne……..

Sau Chalo Girnar jaiye.Jay Girnar. Jay Neminath prabhu.

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