आज दिनांक 27 सितम्बर को सकल जैन समाज द्वारा कांचीपुरम (तमिलनाडु) के पास ओणमपक्कम गाँव की पहाड़ी पर स्तिथ 8 वीं सदी की प्राचीन जैन धरोहर को पहाड़ी के आस-पास ग्रेनाईट व खनिज हेतु अवैध रूप से की जा रही खुदाई से जैन पहाड़ी को बचाने हेतु कांचीपुरम में कलेक्टर ऑफिस पर विशाल धरना व भूख हड़ताल……..विश्व जैन संगठन
Protest cum Fast by all Jain samaj in front of Kancheepuram Collecorate today infront of Kanchhepuram collectorate to save 8th Cen. AD Jain Monument in the hills of Onampakkam.
After a four-year lull, the hills of Onampakkam are facing a serious threat again. Granite-quarrying has resumed in Onampakkam, threatening the 8th century AD Jain monuments in and around the hills.
A couple of years ago, quarrying was banned in the area after the locals and heritage enthusiasts moved the court against such illegal activities. “Quarrying in Koosamalai will definitely destroy the ancient Grantha inscriptions and the rock-reliefs of the Tirthankaras.
Since quarrying on the surface is banned, they are now digging much deeper and this will affect the rock-reliefs badly.
The local people and heritage activists have filed a petition before the collector of Kancheepuram demanding that quarrying be stopped immediately.