


Turmeric roots are used as culinary herbs because of their medicinal values. Clinical testing shows that they are a natural antibiotic.
Preparation Method
  1. Clean and gently wash the dried turmeric roots.
  2. Spread them to sun dry for a day till no moisture is left.
  3. Crush and dry grind them
  4. Sift the powdered turmeric through.a maida flour sieve. Preserve.
To Preserve
  1. Place few salt or asafoetida crystals at the bottom of the jar.
  2. Fill half the jar tightly with turmeric powder.
  3. Again place few rock crystals in the middle of the jar. Fill the jar tightly again with the turmeric powder. Leave 2" space at the top of the jar. Fill it with few rock crystals. Cover the jar. Tie the lid with a clean muslin cloth. Store in a cool dry place.
  4. Additional Note: Grind turmeric by the traditional method of mortar-wooden pestle or commercial grinder. Small amounts can be ground in the dry grinder at home.
Serves : 3 Kilos
Ready In : 120 Minutes
Level : Medium
Tithi : Yes
Cuisine :


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