Jain Khakhra

Jain Khakhra

जय जिनेन्द्र
जैन साईट फुड में आपका हार्दिक स्वागत है।
संपुर्ण जैन पध्दति से जयणा से बने हुए खाखरे।
सादा खाखरा
मसाला खाखरा
जीरा खाखरा
मेथी खाखरा
Any where India free home delivery
शुद्ध गैहु , काल एवं छाने हुए पानी से खाखरे बनते हैं।
जैन सिद्धांत को जिवंत रखने का अनोखा प्रयास।
Call : 7620476204

Jain Khakhra

Hi, We are Jainsite Group based in Mumbai, in business of Khakra manufacturing and supply from last 2 years. We are registered firm with Food Safety and Standard Authority of India. We have established ourself with a brand name of Jainsite and reached a strong customer base of 900 dealers in in all major cities of South India and Western India. We have specilized our product with 100% Jain food (made according to Jaina method) with following all standards of food safety authorities. We are keen interested in doing business with you and sale our products through your retails chains across whole nation. Hoping a positve move towards our business, waiting for your reply on - Jainsite Kalbadevi Road, Mumbai 7620476204 [email protected]
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