Sri Shanthinath Bhagwan in white color, seated in a lotus posture and of height approx. 43 cms located in a shrine at Sadar Bazaar in the town of Phalodi.
Phalodi city was well known in ancient times as Vijannagar, Vijaipur, Vijaipurpattan, Falvriddhika Nagar, Phaladi etc.,
It is believed that the establishment, of this ancient Vijaypurpattan was done by Sri Vijaidev, who was the son of the ruler of Osiyan Nagar, Sri Upaldev, Jain Dharmaupasak, founder of Oswal dynasty. Acharya Bhagwant Sri Ratna Prabhsurishvarji gave religious discourses of Sri Upaldev.
Even according to one more reference. Vijaidev had established this nagar in Vikram year 282. The same dynasty ruled till about Vikram year 550 and the last ruler of Sri Vasurav.
According to another reference, the capital of Sind-Sanvir was Vithbhaipurpathan, whose ruler was Raja Udayan, the chief devotee of Prabhuveer. Later it was ruled by his nephew , Sri Keshikumar. During the rule of Keshikumar, there was a devastating earthquake and a cyclone causing a lot of damage to this place and ultimately destructing it totally. It was earlier known to be a very flourishing town. Perhaps, this was the same place, looking at the similarly in the name and closeness to that place, it is deduced that this might have been a part of Sind Sauvir. During the earthquake this also might have been destroyed and later inhabited. However. This is a subject of research.
About till the middle of 14th century, Vijaipurpattan was believed to a prosperous and flourishing city with a fort. It is also said that when this place was called Vijaipurpattan, it was under the control of Aanchar Rajputs. Hence, it might be possible that from Vikram year 550 to till the 14th century they had ruled this place.
A reference is found that about after the 14th century, this hold place was damaged severely. Later that deserted place was under the control of Ravjodhaji Jodhaji in Vikram year 1517 had given the power and it was controlled by his son Sujaji. Sujaji had tried his best efforts for the upliftment of this place. Later this work was handed over to his son of Rav Nara and thereafter to Rav Hamir son of Rav Nara. The tenure period of Rav Nara is believed to be till 1590.
It is believed that during Vikram years 1515 and 1545 a fort and a Jain temple was built here. Perhaps, it was renovated then because the fort existed already according to some other reference. Whenever a town or city was established,a fort was constructed first and simultaneously a Jain temple was also built. As found from reference. Even today almost in every fort a Jain temple is found because right from the beginning Jain householders used to help every king to establish or reestablish a town, run the reign and every king had Jain householder as his Diwan or treasurer.
After Rav Hamir, Rav ram, Rav Dungarsi, Rav Maldev and Udaysinh had ruled this place. Later , for a few years it was under the control of Jaisalmer and Bikaner. After Vikram year 1672, it was under the control of Jodhpur.
From all the above details, it is evident that this place had lots of rise and falls. During ancient times, Jain kings and Jain Shresthis would have certainly constructed a lot of Jain temples, from time to time. But none of these ancient temples are seen. Perhaps, due to some battle or earthquake they would have been buried under the earth, as is found everywhere. Even over here ancient relics are found as is stated.
The temple of Sri Shanthinath Bhagwan is supposed to be the most ancient temple among the temples existing here at present. According to the stone inscription found here in the temple, the last renovation were done in Vikram year 1689 and the name of the place was Falvriddhi Nagar that time. In the ancient Jain temple situated in the fort, specimens and ruins are found with the seat of Bhagwan, which reminds one of its antiquity. But no idols are found in temple. Perhaps, for the purpose of safeguarding them, the idols would have been transferred and installed else where. On the beams above the door of the fort, Sri Parshva Prabhu’s beautiful and mermerising idol has been carved, that exist even today.
The privilege of first establishing this place went to a jain devout king who ruled here for several years. This is one of the main importance of this place. After the destruction and later during resurrection of this place a Jain Shravak, Rav Jodhaji’s sincere and loyal treasuree Sri Mahipalji’s son Sri kocharji had helped a lot according to some reference. After demolition, even Sri Siddhuji Kalla had a great hand in resustication, which is praise worthy. It is said that Sri Siddhuji Kalla was a Puskarna Brahmin. Even today a lot of families of Oswal and Brahmin community live here.
In the century earlier to this a lot of Jain householders would have done many deeds of glorification for the religion and general welfare to people. Even in the present century, the Jain householder have done a lot of deeds for glorification, upliftment of people, the complete description of which cannot be given here. Lot of sanghs had been arranged for from here, one of which was arranged by Sri Panchulalji Vaid in Vikram year 1990, Jaisalmer is well known. This is remembered even today by the yatri’s and sadhu sadhvis who attended it. Late Sri Kishalalji Lunawat is very famous because of his large heartedness and being generous while donating. He never used to send anyone empty handed. He got temple, dharamshala and Upashraya constructed. The Jain householder from here stay at various places throughout India and do a lot of welfare and also good deeds for the cause of religion.
Almost all the erudite Scholars, Acharya Bhagwants and muni Bhagwants have come here and stayed throughout during Chaturmas over here. They have all praised the Jain householders staying over here.
In Vikram year 1987, Acharya Sri Yatindrasurishvarji had written that the householders over here are very faithful, devoted and they respect the sadhu-sadhvis of high caliber.
Sri Gnansundarji Maharaj (Ghevarmuniji) had written around 275 stavans, religious books which later came to be known as Sri Ratnaprabhakar Gnan Pushpmala. These books are considered to be historical and are very useful.
This is the birthplace of Sri Chagamsagarji, Harisagarji, Kanchanvijayji, Kamalvijayji etc., 18 Muni Bhagwants and 112 Sadhvis in the present time, the preacher of Prabhu Bhakti at various places the one who got a lot of temples ceremoniously consecrated, Kutch vagad Deshodharak, Adhyantma Yogi Acharya Bhagwant Kalapurnasurishvarji was also born here and made this place a holy land. The consecration ceremony of Sri Jain Prathana Mandir in our premises, was also done by his hands of Vaishakh Sukla Panchami in Vikram year 2050.
The hand made art of gold in the temple of Shanthinath Bhagwan is unique and in a class of its own, which reminds one of the ancient type of art. Such artistry is very rare to be seen anywhere else.
In all the other temples, a specimen of art is definitely there, among which the one of Sri Adhishvar Bhagwan and Sri Gaudi Parshvanath Bhagwan’s temple is done differently. The temple of Sri Adhinath Prabhu is also one and is around the period of the temple of Sri Shanthinath Bhagwan. This is situated in the middle of a bazaar, with roads on all four sides. A temple of such king is rarely to be seen anywhere else. The temple of Sri Gaudi Parshvanath is massive and with Theen Pol is situated in this heart of the city, which is very beautifully constructed and worth seeing. This place is called Tripoliya and all the yatris definitely seek darshan of this temple.
Besides this, there are 10 other temples, 1 Ratnaprabhsuri Guru Mandir and 4 Dadawadis. In the close by villages of Khichan, Lonawat and Aau ancient Jain temples exists which are all worth seeing.
The railway station of this place, Phalodi is around 2 Kms away from this temple. For lodging Oswal Nyati Nohara is 1 Km from here. At the located station and the village, Taxis and autos are available. This place is located on Jodhpur –Jaisalmer railway line and Jodhpur-Nagore and Bikaner to Jaisalmer road.
Jodhpur is at a distance of 135 Kms from Jaisalmer 165 Kms, Nagore 160 Kms, Bikaner 165 Kms and Nakoda at a distance of 190 Kms. All modes of conveyance are available from these places. Cars and buses can go upto the temple and Nyati Nohara. Khichan is around 5 Kms, Lohavat 30 Kms, Tinwari 90 Kms and Osiyan around 75 Kms away from here.
For lodging a massive and well equipped ‘Nyati Nohara’ with a lot of rooms is available. Bhojanshala is also there. There are 20 Upashrayas here.
Sri Shanthinath Bhagwan Jain Mandir
Sri Jain Tappagachhiya Sanghpedhi
Sadar Bazaar
P.O. Phalodi – 343 301
Dist : Jodhpur, Rajasthan
Tel : 02925-23334. (PP)
Sri Oswal Jain Nyati Nohara Jaswanthpura
P.O. Phalodi – 342 301
Dist : Jodhpur, Rajasthan
Tel : 02925-22013