Presiding Deity and Location :
Sri Neminath Bhagwan in black color, seated in a lotus posture and of height 75Cms (Shve), and Sri Neminath Bhagwan in black color, seated in a lotus posture and of height 105cms (Dig), both shrines located in an old village by the name of Souripur, on a Ghat road about 11/2 Kms far from Vateshvar situated on the bank of Yamuna.
According to Shwetamber scriptures, there was a brave king by the name of Yadu in Hari dynasty. Yadav dynasty started with this king Yadu. Two brothers named Souri and Vir grandsons of king Yadu founded the cities of Souripur and Souvir. Souri’s son was Sri Andhakvrushni whose chief queen Bhadra gave birth to ten sons by the name of samudravijay, Vasudev etc., and two daughters by the name of Kunti and Madri.Vir’s son was Bhojakvrushi whose son was Ugrasen. Ugrasen had seven sons, viz Bandhu, Subandhu, Kans etc., and two daughters viz Devaki and Rajulmati. King Samudravijay ruled in Souripur and king Ugrasen ruled in Mathura. Samudravijay’s brother vasudev had two sons viz Sri Krishna and Balaram.
The chief queen Shivadevi, wife of king Samudravijay had dreams during the last moments of the night of Kartik Krishna 12 indicative the birth of a Tirthankar. At that time. The soul of Shankh after completing his eight previous incarnations entered the womb of Shivadevi. This auspicious event of Chyavan Kalyanaks was celebrated by gods led by their chief Indra with great éclat and joy.
After the period of pregnancy was over, queen Shivadevi gave birth to a son whose color was black and who had a sign of Couchshell on Shravan Sukla Panchami during the rule of Chitra constellation. This event of the birth was celebrated by the chief of Gods Indra and his innumerable number of Wives and all fifty six princesses of directions (Dik-kumaris) on a grand scale. King Samudravijay also organized celebration in his royal court. Queen Shivadevi during her pregnancy had seen jeweled edges of a wheel as potential destroyer of enemies and therefore this son’s name was kept as Aristanemi who later became the 22nd Tirthankar of the present half of the Cycle of time. He is also named as Neminath. This place thus became holy on account of Chyavan and Janm Kalyanak of this Tirthankar.
In the olden days, this was a very large city. It has been referred to as Sauriyapur in the scriptures. Present Vateshvar also was a part of it. There is a reference that when Bhagwan Mahavir visited this place on a pilgrimage, a king named Souryadutt ruled here.
When renovations were carried out at Mathura by Acharya Sri Bappabhattsurishvarji, there is a reference that in Souriyapur also they were carried out. Several scholarly and highly learned Acharyas such as Acharya Sri Vimalchandrasurishvarji,Sri Udyotansuriji, Sri Nemichandrasuriji, Sri Devendrasuriji etc., had visited this place on a pilgrimage.
In “Vividh Kalpatirth” of the 14th century by Acharya Sri Jinaprabhasurishvarji, there is a reference that there existed an idol of Sri Neminath Bhagwan in the temple which was renovated by king Shankh.
There is a further reference that the idol of Bhagwan Sri Neminath was made in the 17th Century at the instance of Sri Sehil Sanghavi, father of Sri Sinhavimalgahi who composed Sri “Hir Saubhagya Maha Kavya”. The “ANjanshalaka” and the sanctification ceremonies of this idol were performed by Acharya Sri Vijayhirsurishvarji in Vikram year 1640. It is mentioned that when in Vikram year 1662 Upadhyaya Kalyanvijayji, the disciple of Acharya Sri Vijaysurishvarji visited this place on a pilgrimage accompanied by his disciple Sri Jaivijayji, there existed here 7 Swetamber Jain temples. Even thereafter several Acharyas and disciple saints and several Jain congregations have come here on pilgrimage.
According to Digamber traditions also, the Chyavan and Janm Kalyanaks of Bhagwan Sri Neminath took place here but the date of birth was Vaishakh Sukla 13 during the rule of constellation Chitra.
The place is believed to he holy because besides two Kalyanaks of Bhagwan Sri Neminath happened here, a number of saints attained here Keval Gnan and Moksha. Further it is believed that Bhagwan Mahavir had disclosed to a fisherman here in the garden known as “Sourya Vatamshaka” the description of his religious discourse. According to Digamber scriptures, this place had become holy due to the touch of feet of Adishvar Bhagwan, Sri Parshvanath Bhagwan and Sri Mahavir Bhagwan. This is also the place where munis i.e. saints like Sri Supratishtha, Sri Dhanyakumar, Sri Alasatkumar etc., have attained Moksha. During the period of Bhagwan Sri Mahavir, one “Antahkrut Kevali” (one who attained Perfect Enlightenment through his own inner working) named Yam attained Moksha at this place. Acharya Sri Lokachandra, the Guru of well known Digamber Acharya Prabhachandra happened to live here. Acharya Sri Prabhachandra’s magnum opus “Premeya Kamal Martand” was written here. This was also the birth place of that famous king among donors, Karna.
No other temple at present exists except there two temples, one Digamber temple and one Swetamber. Only in Vateshvar, there is one another Digamber temple.
Many an old relic has been found here from ancient ruins. Sir Cunningham has indicated the possibility of many stupas, temples etc., lying buried here in the hills. It is stated that many inscriptions, idols, copper coins etc., from here have been removed to Agra in the year 1870. It proper excavations are undertaken, much more invaluable ancient material is likely to be yielded from here.
Nearby large railway station of Agra Fort is 75 Kms away. Nearby railway station Shikohabad is 25 Kms from Vah, from where this place can be reached via Vateshvar. This place is 8Kms from Vah and 5 Kms from vateshvar. From Agra and SHikohabad, buses and taxis are available for Vateshvar. Buses and cars can go upto the temple.
For lodging there are Swetamber and Digamber dharamshalas just adjacent to the temples with all facilities. Bhojanshala is available in the Digamber dharamshala.
Managed By :
Sri Souripur Jain Swetamber Teerth Committee
Post : Vateshvar– 283 104
Dist : Agra .(UP)
Sri Souripur vateshvar Digamber Jain Siddhakshetra, Souripur
Post : Vateshvar -283 104
Dist : Agra.(UP)
Tel : 05614-34717