Name: SwapnilMeaning: Name Swapnil generally means Dream like or Seen in a dream or Dreamy, is of Sanskrit, Indian origin, Name Swapnil is a Masculine (or Boy) name. Details:
Name: SuveshMeaning: Name Suvesh generally means or , is of Indian origin, Name Suvesh is a Masculine (or Boy) name. Person with name Suvesh are mainly Jain by religion.Details:
Name: SutramMeaning: meaning of the Sanskrit or Tamil expression, Sutram (सूत्रम्) or Sutra (सूत्र), as string or thread, formula, short sentence or aphoristic ruleDetails:
Name: SutakMeaning: Sutak describes a state (temporary or continous) of being where ritual purification is not possible, for any number of reasons. A woman who has given birth needs time to heal, and due to the continuing secretions from her body, cannot undergo ritual purification.Details:
Name: SurendraMeaning: Means "lord of gods" from Sanskrit सुर (sura) meaning "god" combined with the name of the Hindu god INDRA, used here to mean "lordDetails: