Shri Aadinath Bhagwan
Sushil Vihar, Varkana Road, Post : Rani, District : Pali 306115, Rajasthan
Nearest Railway Station
How To Reach
Nearest Railway Station is Rani ,19 KM away from Nandol,56 KM away from Pali.Buses,Taxi And private vehicles are available.
- Trust Name
Shree Ashtapad Jain Teerth
Each religion has its own places of pilgrimage, similarly there are numerous places of Jainpilgrimage but five of them are the most important ones and hence are known as Maha Tirth | |
and one of them is Ashtapad. | |
Out of these five Tirth, Sametshikhar is in Bihar in North India (presently in Jharkhand state). | |
This is not the Nirvana bhoomi of one or two but twenty Tirthankar so it has its specific | |
importance among the Jains. The other three i.e. Abu, Girnar and Shetrunjay are in Gujarat. | |
The Delvada temples at Mt. Abu are famous all over world as a marvelous piece of art and | |
architecture since the 11th century. Girnar is famous since the time of Mahabharat. It is the | |
Nirvanbhumi of Bhagwan Neminath. Among these four mountains, Abu is on the highest | |
peak. And lastly Shetrunjay- which is the greatest of all Tirth. Out of these five Maha Tirth | |
only Ashtapad, presently does not exist which we are trying to locate. |
Nirvan Kalyanak | |
The Jain scripture has singled out five central events (known as Pancha Kalyanak) that occur in | |
a Tirthankar’s life time as the most auspicious moments. First is Chayavan Kalyanak, second is | |
Janma Kalyanak and third is Diksha Kalyanak. After very deep contemplation and meditation, | |
the Tirthankar attains omniscience, Kevalgyan Kalyanak, -the fourth life- changing event. The | |
last event is Nirvana Kalyanak, where the soul gets free from all karmic bonds and is liberated | |
Foreword – Shri Ashtapad – Past, Present and FutureXXXIX | |
to attain Siddha status. So this place is considered to be the most pious among all. There are | |
five main Tirth where all twenty-four Tirthankars attained salvation as per following verse | |
from scripture given below. |
Aadinath Bhagwan attained Nirvana at Ashtapad, Mahavir Swami at Pavapuri, Vasupujya Swami | |
at Champapuri and Neminath Bhagwan attained Nirvana at Girnar. The other twenty Tirthankars | |
attained Nirvana at Sametshikhar. I always bow with reverence to all the twenty four Tirthankars, | |
which brings eternal happiness to all. | |
Thousands of years ago the first Tirthankar Bhagwan Rushabhdev attained Nirvana at Ashtapad. | |
It is believed that it is somewhere among the snow-clad Himalayan peaks. Tirthankar Bhagwan | |
Rushabhdev was the first to establish social code of governance and symbolized the importance | |
of renunciation and penance, and attained Nirvana (final emancipation) at Ashtapad Mountain. | |
Once after attaining absolute knowledge, Shri Rushabhdev Bhagwan was delivering a sermon | |
while seated in Samavasaran. Out of curiosity, King Bharat asked if any human being present | |
here would become a Tirthankar in future. He replied affirmatively and said that his son | |
Marichi will become the 24th Tirthankar after many life cycles and will be known as Mahavir. | |
He subsequently explained the upcoming Chovisi (24 Tirthankars). This is how King Bharat | |
came to know the details about the present Chovisi. | |
After his Nirvan, his son Bharat Chakravarti constructed a gemstone- studded palace in his | |
memory on the Ashtapad Mountain. Twenty four idols of Jain Tirthankars were installed in it. | |
It is believed that there are eight steps in the mountain to climb to reach the temple, hence | |
it is known as Ashtapad. The Tirth is also referred to by such names as Ratnamay, Rajatadri, | |
Sfatikachal in the scriptures. | |
The question arises- Where is Shri Ashtapad Maha Tirth today? Let us examine what scripture | |
says and modern scholars and researchers think. | |