72842_Sri Kesariyaji Tirth.- 1



Shri Adhinath Bhagwan in black color, seated in a semi-lotus posture, of heigh about 1-5 Cms located in a shrine in village known as Rishabhdev beside the hills.


There are several beliefs about the antiquity and history of this ancient, majestic miracle working, wish fulfilling and boon-giving idol. One of the beliefs is that this idol was giving worshipped and offered prayers to by the Lord of Lanka, a PRati-Vasudev, king Ravana who lived during the period of Sri Munisuvratswami, the 20th century of the present time. Thereafter the idol was taken away by Sri rama to Ayodhya. Later it remained in Ujjain. Finally by divine powers it manifested under a banyan tree outside Vatprada nagar (Badoda) where at present foot-prints are installed. After being worshipped in Vatprada nagar for several years, it again manisfested itself under a tree about one Km from the present spot, where also the foot-prints are enshrined and where large procession taken out during the annual fair terminates.

About this temple it is stated that at first it was built in bricks and later it was built in stone. Evidence is available of the renovations carried out on the temple in Vikram year 1831 and thereafter several times. Reference are found of many congregations of Jain householders and Acharya having paid visit here for worship and pilgrimage from time to time.

This one is a principal Shrine of Jains in the state of Mewad. Ranas of Mewad always remained followers of this Lord and used to visit the place with grear devotion and faith. Rana Fatehsinhji had presented an invaluable stone studded “Angi” made of gold for this idol. Even today the idol is decorated by the same. Non Jain devotees also come here to worship in great numbers full of devotion and humility. Among the local “bhil” community, the Lord is known as Kala Baba.

Many a devotee incessantly talk about the miracles happening here. All the wishes of devotees get fulfilled here. Since centuries, a belief is prevalent here to offer saffron, and everyday still saffron is offered in large quantity so much so that sometimes the color of the Lord himself appears Saffron. Till date Saffron offered can be counted in thousand of kilograms and therefore the Lord is already being described as Kesariyanath. (Lord of Saffron) Devotees often cal him Kesariyalal, Dhulevadhani etc. Every year on Chaitra Krishna Ashtami, the birth anniversary of the Lord, a fair is being held here when people gather in thousands. Bhils appear to be dancing in ecstacy. The whole scene adds to the atmosphere of deep devotion and spiritual happiness. The splendour and the illumination of “Arati” worship everyday is an elevating experience. Every one present on the occasion gets deeply immersed in divine joy and happiness. In its courtyard there is an image of mother Marudevi seated on marble elephant installed in vikram year 1688 and a temple of Sri Jagvallabh (beloved of the world) Parshvanath Bhagwan.

The Bawan (52) Jinalaya temple of Sri Keshariyaji appears extremely serene from a distance. The art on domes, arches, pillars, gates etc., is very beautiful and attractive. The iconography of the idol is indescribable and its first sight is enough to create an everlasting thrill.


The nearby railway station of Rishabdev toad is 11 Kms and that of Udaipur city is 66 Kms away. From Udaipur, buses and taxis are available to come here. This shrine is located on AHemdabad-Udaipur road. From Ahemdabad it is 190 Kms away. Nearby large village is Khervada about 16 Kms away. There is a bus stand opposite to Dharamshala upto which there is a tar road. The temple is located just adjacent to this Dharamshala. The nearest Airport is that od Udaipur, about 66 Kms from here.


For lodging there is a Dharamshala here consisting of 150 rooms and 20 delux rooms with all facilities. The management of dharamshala as also the temple itself at present is under the control of temple section of Rajasthan Government. There is one Jain Shvetamber Bhojanshala and two private bhojanshalas here.


Prabhari Adhikari Bhandar Dhulev Shri Rishabdevji Mandir, Devasthan Vibhag,
P.O. Rishabdev – 313 802
Dist : Udaipur , Rajasthan
Tel : 02907-30023

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