Sri Suparshvanath Bhagwan in white color, seated in a lotus posture, of height 91.4 Cms in a shrine located within a large walled area of Mandavgadh (which at present is known as Mandu) on one of the high peaks of Vindhyachal Mountain. (Shve).


According to “Vir Vamshavali”, during the period when Sri Sangram Soni got ceremonially consecrated the temple of Sri Parshvanath Bhagwan in Makshi, similar consecration of the temple of Sri Suparshvanath Bhagwan took place in Mandavgadh. It is possible therefore that this shrine may have been ceremonially consecrated again in Vikram 1472. Even thereafter, it appears that after renovations, the consecration have taken place.

During the period between 13th and 17th centuries A.D. there lived here a number of brave Jain ministers and householders. Among these were minister Pethadshah, Zanzanshah, Punjraj, Munjraj, Deputy Minister Mandan, Gopal Treasurer Sangram Soni, Divan Jeevan and Meghraj. Householders Javadshah, Jethashah and others of great merit who by utilizing their inexhaustible wealth built numerous temples, took out several congregations on different pilgrimages and performed many other deeds in glorification of Jain religion. In the history of Jain religion, their services have been incomparable and immortal.

The decoration of the entire city undertaken and carried out by Sri Pethadshah on the occasion of the welcome festival organized when Sri Dharmaghoshsuriji arrived here is a noteworthy event. In the same way the great congregation of Jain householders and saints taken out to the shrines of Mt. Shatrunjay at the expenses of crores of rupees by Sri Zanzanshah is an event which is both praiseworthy and noteworthy. Another event of significance in Jain literature is of Deputy Minister Sri Mandan’s writing of many books ending with word “Mandan” which still exist today. Equally significant is Sri Sangram Soni’s volume entitled “Buddhisagar” and his commandeering the writing of “Agam’s” i.e. scriptures in letters of gold, as a result of which Badshah Mohammed Khilji honored him magnificently in his royal court.

As would befit his love for religion and philanthropic nature, Sri Javadshah too did many activities inspired by which Badshah Ghyasuddin honored him with titles of “Srimalbhupal” and “Laghu Shalibhadra”. On the basis of many references having great evidentiary value, it is stated that once there were here 700 Jain temples, numerous “Poshadshalas” and resident Jain householders numbering over six lakhs. This was a large city of great prosperity and affluence, so much so that a new Jain resident was presented with one gold coin and a brick from every family. Such fellow feeling and sense of co-operation among members of the same community is indeed a sign of great mobility.

Mandavgadh is such a well known ancient city of India that even today innumerable relics of ancient art can be sent here.

In this very walled area, there also exists one more ancient temple of Sri Shanthinath Bhagwan.


The nearby railway station is Indore which is 97 Kms away and the large town is Dhar which is 33 Kms away. At both these places buses, taxis etc are available to come here. The temple is about 100 meters from the bus stand and there is tar road right upto the temple.


There is a large dharamshala near the temple for lodging with all facilities and a bhojanshala for meals are available. Upashraya is also present.


Sri Jain Swetamber Teerth Pedhi, Mandavgadh
P.O. Mandavgadh – 454 010
Dist : Dhar , Madhya Pradesh,
Tel: 07292 – 63229.

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