Sri Adinath Bhagwan in yellow color, seated in a lotus posture, of height 76 Cms in a shrine in Una village (Shve).
The place was called Unnatpur in the past. This shrine is believed to be a very ancient one. There is a saying which is popular : “ Una, Poona and gadh Juna etran Juna” (Una, Poona and fort Juna, these are old). The building period of this temple is believed to be one of Raja Samprati. In the composition entitled “Tirthmala” by Sri Upadhyay Vinayprabhji in 14th Vikram century. It is said that once upon a time this was a very prosperous and affluent city where existed about seven hundred Jain Paushadhashalas.
This shrine is one of the Ajahara Panch Teerth of Saurashtra. In the underground cell of this temple, a large size idol of Sri Adinath Bhagwan is worth seeing. Adjacent to this, in another cell there is the idol of Sri Amizara Parshvanath Bhagwan on which oozed “ami” (ambrosia) is frequently to be found. Sometimes an old Cobra appears with its hood protecting (as an umbrella) the Lord’s idol overhead.
Sri Vijayhirsurishvarji who gave religious discourses to the Emperor Akbar away here on Bhadarva Sukla 11 in Vikram year 1652. Emperor Akbar has issued many proclamations connected to many shrines etc., as desired by him and also had donated 100 Bighas of land to Sri Sangh of this place where his cremation had taken place. The area is known as “Shahibag”. It is stated that often miracles take place here.
Adjacent to this temple, there are five more temples and one Upashraya which is named after Sri Vijayhirsurishvarji,, as here it is said that he took hi last breath. Half a mile from here is a Dadavadi where a covered structure is built on the spot where Sri Vijayhirsurishvarji was cremated. His footprints are enshrined there now. In “Shahibag” there is a total of 12 small single room shrines in which there are footprints of Gurudev’s disciple Sri Vijaysensurishvarji and many others.
All the old idols here are beautiful and worth seeing but the one particularly requiring a mention is the idol of the Presiding Deity Sri Parshvanath Bhagwan in the 4th temple. It is said that this idol was also ceremonially installed by Raja Samprati.
The railway station for the shrine is Una which is 1 Km away from the temple where autos and taxis are available. There is a tar road upto the temple. Palitana is 180 Kms , Bhavnagar is 200 Kms , Rajkot is 265 KMs and Veraval is 85 KMs from this shrine.
For lodging there is a dharamshala nearby with all facilities are available except the one of bhojanshala.
Sri Ajahara Parshvanath Panch Teerth Jain Kharkhana Pedhi
P.O. Una – 362 560
Dist : Junagadh, Gujarat.
Tel: 02875 – 22233.