Poem on 24 Tithankars A for O My ADINATH ! Be with me in every path. Never forget naughty son You are Father super one. !!1!! Sri AJITNATH is ur name ! What to say for your fame. You are winner best of all, I am missing every ball. !!2!!…

Poem on 24 Tithankars A for O My ADINATH ! Be with me in every path. Never forget naughty son You are Father super one. !!1!! Sri AJITNATH is ur name ! What to say for your fame. You are winner best of all, I am missing every ball. !!2!!…
My dear friends, Jay Jinendra The key to our good future lies in good conduct, honesty and hard work. There is no substitute for plain old-fashioned hard work. And there is nothing that can be achieved without focus, a sense of direction and lots of hard work. So the…
Story Of Akbar-Birbal अकबर बीरबल बुद्धिमता की कहानियाँ , Story Of Akbar & Birbal तीन सवाल :: अकबर बीरबल महाराजा अकबर, बीरबल की हाज़िरजवाबी के बडे कायल थे. उनकी इस बात से दरबार के अन्य मंत्री मन ही मन बहुत जलते थे. उनमें से एक मंत्री, जो महामंत्री का पद…
A to Z A: Avoid Negative- sources, people, places, things and Habits B: Believe in Sankeshwar Parshwanath he is with U C: Consider Things from every angle D: Don’t Give up and don’t give in (jus Dada Mere Dada) E: Enjoy Life today and start Poonam Yatra because yesterday is…
test post jainism childrens