Shri Ahichchatra tirth history

Shri Ahichchatra tirth history

Shri Ahichchatra tirth history

तिर्थ वंदना तिर्थभूमि
श्री अहिच्छत्रा नगरी /Shri Ahichchhatra Tirth
पार्श्वनाथ प्रभू विहार कर तापस के धर के पीछे वड के नीचे काऊसग ध्यान में खडे रहे
तब कमठ जो मेधमाली हुआ था यह आकर ऊपसर्ग करने लगे
बाद में उसने गाज वीज के साथ बरसात चालु की
तब धरणेन्द पद्मावतिजी ने आकर प्रभू के मस्तिष्क पर फणा से अछत्र बनाकर प्रभू की भक्ति की
तीसरे दिन मेधमाली भाग गया
और यह तिर्थ भूमि अहिच्छत्रा नगरी नाम से प्रसिद्ध हुआ।

The ancient history of this city belongs to
the times of Bhagawan Adinath. The names of this
ancient place were ‘Shankhavati’, Chhatravati’,
Ahikshetra’ etc. In the past, this was a grand and rich
city with a circumference of 18 miles. It looked beautiful
with many temples, large buildings, and bazaars. it was
the capital of Guru Dronacharya in the times of the
Mahabharata. In the state of Meditation, Bhagawan
Parshvanath suffered here the haressment of Kamath.
This tirth mentioned in scriptures written by many
Acharyas and various Tirthakalpas. The remains found
from the hollow of the ground prove the antiquity of this
place. At present, there are many ruins and remains
spread over miles and miles. If digging is done, it is
possible to find many ancient things. A Fair is held
every year from the eighth to the thirteenth day of the
dark half of the moth of Fagan.
Shri Ahichchhatra Parshvanath Atishay Tirthkshetra, Jain Mandir, Rampur Killo, Dist.:
Barely, State : Uttar Pradesh, India.

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