21.Manoranjan Parshwanath

21.Manoranjan Parshwanath

21.Manoranjan Parshwanath

  1. Manoranjan Parshwanath

Station Road, Maheshana

Mulnayak: Nearly 69 cms. high white – coloured idol of Bhagwan Manoranjan Parshvanath in the
padmasana posture.

Tirth: This temple is in the city of Mehsana.

Historicity: This is an ancient city dating back to V.S. 12 – 13th century and established by Mehsaji
Chavda. At first, there was a temple of Kalyan Parshvanath in Mehsana. Due to Muslin invasion in
14 – 15th century, this idol of Parshvanath was saved from destruction and at present it is installed
in a temple in Visnagar. There is a story behind the name "Manoranjan Parshvanath". King Mehsaji
did not have any children and wanted a heir. A Jain Acharya asked him to pray to Lord
Parshvanath. Mehsaji, with deep faith, prayed in front of the idol of Lord Parshvanath. His prayers
were fulfilled and a son was born. In great joy and happiness he named the idol "Manoranjan
Parshvanath". This idol of Manoranjan Parshvanath is of the period of King Samprati.
Previously, there were two temples in Mehsana, one of Manoranjan Parshvanath and the other of
Sumathinath Bhagwan. A new two storeyed temple was built and both these idols were installed in
this temple in V.S. 1920. Mehsana is a very famous pilgrim centre of Jains. The one and only
temple of Shri Simandar Swami (Viharman Thirthankara of Mahavideh Kshetra) is situated on the
Ahmedabad – Delhi National Highway. The height of the huge idol of Simandar Swami is 3.68
meters and it was installed by Acharya Shri Kailashsagarsuriji in V.S. 2028.

Other Temples: There are 15 other temples here.
Works of art and sculpture: This is a big two – storeyed temple. It is very artistic and beautifully

Guidelines: The railway station of Mehsana is a junction. It is well connected by road. Taxi and
bus services are available here. Pilgrimages like Sankheswar, Munjpur, Patan, Charup, Kamboi,
Rantej, Chanasma, Shankalpur, etc. come in Mehsana district. Dharamshala and Bhojanshala
facilities are available in the city. There are many Upashrayas, Gyanbhandar and pathshala here.
Dharamshala and Bhojanshala facilities are available in Simandar Swami temple also. Shri
Yashovijayji Sanskrit Pathshala of Mehsana is very famous which has given great contribution
towards Jain religion.

Scripture: A mention of this temple has been made in "Tirthmala", in "Shri Sankheswar
Parshvanath Chand", in "Parshvanath Chaityaparipati", in "Shri 108 Naamgarbhit Parshvanath
Stavan" etc. "Kamal Vijay Raas" was written by Shri Hemvijaygani here in V.S.1661. An idol of
Manoranjan Parshvanath is there in Kareda Parshvanath Tirth.

Trust: Shri Manoranjan Parshvanath Jain Derasar, Station Road, Mehsana- 384 001, District:
Mehsana, North Gujarat, India. Phone: 02762-221253.

श्री मनोरंजन पार्श्वनाथ

श्री मनोरंजन पार्श्वनाथ – मेहसाणा
मेहसाणा में श्री सुमतिनाथ प्रभु के जिनालय में भव्य शिखर बद्ध में संप्रतिकालीन श्री मनोरंजन पार्श्वनाथ प्रभु बिराजमान है| यह प्रतिमा २७ इंच ऊँची व २२.५ इंच चौड़ी है| प्रभु के मस्तक पर फने नहीं है |
“मनोरंजन पार्श्वनाथ” नाम के पीछे एक कींवदंती है| मेहसाणा नगर के स्थापक मेहसाजी के पास विराट राजवैभव था, परंतु वे नि:संतान थे| उन्होंने पार्श्वनाथ प्रभु की विधिपूर्वक आराधना की, जिसके प्रभाव से उसे संतान प्राप्ति हुई| पुत्र दर्शन से मन का रंजन होने से राजा के मुख से “मनोरंजन ” नाम निकल पड़ा|
जिस प्रभु की आराधना से शाक्षात मोक्ष पद की प्राप्ति हो सकती है, उनसे इहलोकिक फल मिले, इसमें कोई आश्चार्य नहीं है| ऐसे तारक परमात्मा की भक्ति निष्काम भाव से या मोक्ष प्राप्ति के ध्येय से ही करना चाहिए|
श्री चंदा पार्श्वनाथ
श्री चंदा पार्श्वनाथ – उदयपुर (राज.)
उदयपुर (राज.) में पैलेस रोड पर श्री चंदा पार्श्वनाथ प्रभु का घुम्मटबंध जिनालय है| श्वेत उज्जवल वर्ण के ये प्रतिमाजी फने रहित ३५” व ३०” चौड़े है| प्रतिमा के नीचे सं. १३२५ का शिलालेख है|
प्रतिमाजी अत्यंत ही मनमोहक और आकर्षक है| इस प्राचीन मंदिर का जिणोरद्वार सं. १९८२ में हुआ था|

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