42.Pragatprabhavi Parshwanath

42.Pragatprabhavi Parshwanath

42.Pragatprabhavi Parshwanath

  1. Pragatprabhavi Parshwanath

Mulnayak: Nearly 83 cms. high light yellowish – coloured idol of Bhagwan Pragat Prabhavi Parshvanath in the Ardh Padmasana posture.

Tirth: It is in Dabhoi in Vadodara district of Gujarat.

Historicity: In ancient times, this city known as “Darbhavati” was established during the period of Sidhraj Jaisingh. King Virdhavall’s Minister Tejpal renovated the fort of Dabhoi and built another temple there. Shresthi Pethad had built 84 temples in all, of which one temple of Shri Chandra Prabhu Swami is in Darbhavati (Dabhoi). In the 13th century of the Vikram era, during the reign of King Vishaldev, the eminent Sculptor Hiradhar built a beautifully sculpted fort here which is known popularly as “Hira Bhagol” and has historic importance. Darbhavati is the birthplace of Acharya Shri Munichandrasuriji and Mahopadhyay Shri Yashovijayji Maharaj saheb attained the lotus feet of the Lord here in V.S.1743. The alluring idol of Bhagwan Adinath is in the basement of Jaitilak Prasad temple. The one and only temple of Pragat Prabhavi Parshvanath is in Dabhoi. A dhobi saw this idol of Parshvanath in his dreams. As was indicated in his dream, this idol was found on the banks of the river Orsangh in the centre of the village Sankheda Badarpur near Dabhoi. This idol was brought to Dabhoi and installed in the new temple of Bhagwan Adinath in V.S.2007 by the revered hands of Acharya Shri Jambusurishvarji who was born in Dabhoi. This alluring, influential, miraculous and smiling idol is believed to be very ancient. The effect of this idol is felt immediately on worshipping this Parshvanath. This Parshvanath is also known as “Darbhavati Parshvanath”.

Other Temples: There are 7 beautiful, ancient, influential and delightful temples here. The temple of Lodhan Parshvanath is also here. There is a Samadhi Mandir of Shri Yashovijayji Maharaj Sahib here.

Guidelines: Dabhoi railway station is at a distance of 32 kms. from Vadodara. Dabhoi is well connected by rail and road to many cities of Gujarat. The Gyan Bhandaar here is very ancient and has many ancient books and scriptures. Dharamshala and Bhojanshala facilities are available here.

Trust: Shri Pragat Prabhavi Parshvanath Shwetambar Jain Tirth, Seth Rikhabchand Kalyanchand ki Pedhi, Pandiyaseri, Shrimali Vaga, Post: Dabhoi,  District: Vadodara – 391 110.  Gujarat, India.   Phone: 02663 – 254814.

श्री प्रगट प्रभावी पार्श्वनाथ

श्री प्रगट प्रभावी पार्श्वनाथ – डभोई
बड़ोदा जिले के डभोई नगर के श्री ऋषभदेव प्रभु के जिनालय के भोयंरे में प्रगट प्रभावी पार्श्वनाथ बिराजमान है| पीत-पाषण से निर्मित अर्द्ध पद्मासन में रही यह प्रतिमा ३३ इंच ऊँची और २६ इंच चौड़ी है|
इस प्रतिमाजी के प्रागटीकारन के पीछे एक गर्भित रहस्य है|
एक बार एक धोबी को स्वप्न में जिनबिंब के दर्शन हुए थे| स्वप्न में जिन बिंब के दर्शन हुए थे| स्वप्न में प्राप्त संकेतनुसार डभोई गाँव के समीप संखोड़ा व बादरपुर गाँव के बीच रही ओरसंग नदी में से ये प्रतिमाजी प्राप्त हुए थे, जो अत्यंत ही प्राचीन है|
पू. आ. श्री मुनिचंद्रसूरीश्वर्जी म.सा. का जन्म इसी नगरी में हुआ था तथा महोपाध्याय श्री यशोविजयजी म.सा. का कालधर्म वि.सं. ११७४३ में इसी नगरी में हुआ था|

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