100.Girua Parshwanath

100.Girua Parshwanath

100.Girua Parshwanath

100.Girua Parshwanath

Mulnayak: Nearly 29 cms  high, black-coloured idol of Bhagwan Girua Parshvanath in the Padmasana posture. There is an umbrella of 11 hoods over the head of the idol.

Tirth: It is in the Amalner city.

Historicity: Though immersed in activities of wealth and its acquisition, the man who is devoted to religion cannot live without God. This tirth is an illustration of it. This idol of Girua Parshvanath is 500 years old. Shri Sangha built this temple of Girua Parshvanath about the year 1920 of the Vikram era. This temple was renovated and the idol was installed in this splendid pinnaccled temple by the revered hands of Acharyadev Vijay Yashodevsurishvarji in the year 2007 of the Vikram era. As the original hood of this idol was broken, the idol was adorned with eleven new hoods. Acharyadev Vijay Yashodevsurishvarji, who is a disciple of Shashun Sirtaj  Acharyadev Vijay Premsurishvarji, is the Aradhak of 36 crore jaap of “Namaskar Mahamantra”. The diksha festival of 26 diksa-aspirants was celebrated here in this decade. Seventeen members of a single family accepted the path of self-restraint.


Other Temples: Shri Shamaliya Parshvanath is the Mulnayak of this temple. The idol of Girua Parshvanath is installed in the first floor of this temple as the Mulnayak. Besides this, there are 3 other temples and 2 temples in residential places.

Works of art and Sculpture: The idol of Girua Parshvanath in this splendid temple with there sanctuaries stirs up the hearts of devotees and leads them to the path of self-welfare. The shape of the new hood looking beautiful on the head of this idol, is attractive like a peacock’s art. The sculptured art of the parikar of the idol is also excellent and extraordinary. This idol awakens the religious spirit of Jains and inspires them to practice spirituality.

Guidelines: This temple is on the Surat-Bhusaval railway line. This tirth of Amalner, is at a distance of 2 kms. from the main railway station, at a distance of 55 kms. from Jalgaon and at a distance of 29 kms. from Dhulia. Bus service and private vehicles are available. Dharamshala and Bhojanshala facilities are available here. Moreover, there are 3 Upashrayas, an Ayambilshala and a well established Gyanbhandar..

Scripture: A mention of Girua Parshvanath has been made in “Shri 108 Parshvanath Stavan”, in “108 Naamgarbhit Shri Parshvanath Stavan”, etc. Many great Acharyas like Acharya Vijay Premsurishvarji, Acharya Vijay Ramchandrasurishvarji, Acharya Vijay Yogdevsurishvarji, Acharya Vijay Trilochansurishvarji, Acharya Vijay Bhuvanbhanusurishvarji etc have visited this Tirth.

Trust: Shri Girua Parshvanath Shwetambar Jain Tirth,  Sharaf Bazaar, Post: Amalner – 425401. District: Jalgaon,  State-Maharashtra,  India.  Phone: 02587-222452.

श्री गिरुआ पार्श्वनाथ

श्री गिरुआ पार्श्वनाथ – अमलनेर
महाराष्ट्र के जलगांव जिले में अमलनेर में श्री गिरुआ पार्श्वनाथ का भव्य जिनालय है| प्रतिमाजी ११ .२५ इंच ऊँचे और १० इंच चौड़े है| मस्तक पर ११ फणाओ का छत्र अत्यंत ही सुन्दर दिखाई देता है|
मुख्य जिनालय का निर्माण वि.सं. १९२० के आसपास संघ ने कराया था| वि.सं. २००७ में मंदिर का पुन: जिणोरद्वार हुआ| प्रतिमाजी लगभग ५०० वर्ष प्राचीन है|

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