103.Vighnahara parshwanath

103.Vighnahara parshwanath

103.Vighnahara parshwanath

Mulnayak: Nearly 103 cms. high black – coloured idol of Bhagwan Vignahara Parshvanath in the Padmasana posture. There is an umbrella of hundreds of hoods (sahastrafana) over the head of the idol.

Tirth: It is in Nishal Sheri in Rander near Surat.

Historicity: Rander is an ancient village near Surat. This temple was built by the Jain Sangh around V.S.1800 and the idol of Bhagwan Adinath was installed as the Mulnayak Bhagwan. V.S.1683 is written on this idol. The idol of Bhagwan Vighnahara Parshvanath is beside the idol of Adinath Bhagwan. The idol of Bhagwan Parshvanath is believed to be more than 300 years old. At one time, there were 14 Jain temples and 143 Jain idols in Rander. During his Chaturmaas in Rander in V.S.1638, while writing “Shri Sripal Raas”, Mahopaddhyaya Shri Vinayvijayji attained the lotus feet of the Lord. On his indication, “Shri Sripal Raas” was then completed here by Mahopaddhyaya  Shri Yashovijayji.

Other Temples: There are 5 temples in Rander at present. The temple of Bhagwan Neminath here is very ancient.

Guidelines: Rander is situated on the banks of a river, 16kms. away from Surat. The nearest railway station is Surat. Bus and private vehicles are available from Surat to Rander. There is an Upashraya and Dharamshala in Rander. There are many temples in Surat.

Scripture: A mention of Vignahara Parshvanath is made in ” Shri Suryapur Chaitya paripati”, in “108 Naam Garbhit Shri Parshvanath Stavan”, in “365 Shri Parshvanath Jin Naammala”, in “Shri Parshvanath Naammala”, in “Tirthmala”, in “Surat Chaitya Paripati” etc. The main temple of Vighnahara Parshvanath is in Rander. There is a temple of Vighnahara Parshvanath in Devgarh near Mandsaur and in Udaipur. There is an alluring idol of Vighnahara Parshvanath with Asthmangal, Nav graha and dus Digpal in a Parrikar in Walkeshwar (Babu Kat Mandir) in Mumbai, in Antariksh Tirth and in many other temples all over India.

Trust: Shri Vighnahara Parshvanath Shwetambar Jain Tirth, Shri Adi – Neminath Jain Derasar pedi, Uttamram Street, Nisha Falia, Post: Rander, Surat-395 005, Gujarat, India. Phone: 0261-2760149.

श्री विघ्नहरा पार्श्वनाथ

श्री विघ्नहरा पार्श्वनाथ – सूरत
सूरत से ६ की.मी. दूर नदी तट आए रांदेर गाँव में मुलनायक आदिनाथ प्रभु के पास में बिराजमान ४१ इंच ऊँचे और २७ इंच चौड़े श्री विघ्नहरा पार्श्वनाथ प्रभु बिराजमान है|
दर्शन के साथ ही भक्तह्रदय के नेत्रों को पावन बनाने वाले है|
ये प्रतिमाजी ३०० वर्ष प्राचीन है |विघ्नों की लताओं का उच्छेद करनेवाले और भक्तो के ह्रदय को भयरहित बनानेवाले में प्रभु यतार्थ नामधरी है|
वि.सं. १६३८ में महोपाध्याय श्री विनयविजयजी म. ने सुन्दर में चातुर्मास कर “श्रीपाल-मयणा” के रास की रचना की थी और यही पर उनका कालधर्म हुआ था|

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