15.Muhari Parshwanath

15.Muhari Parshwanath

15.Muhari Parshwanath

  1. Muhari Parshwanath

Post-Tintai, Dist-Sabarkantha14

Mulnayak: Nearly 83 cms. high, white-coloured idol of Bhagwan Muhari Parshvanath in the
Padmasana posture. There is an umbrella of 7 hoods over the head of the idol.

Tirth: It is in the centre of the village of Tintoi.

Historicity: This is a very ancient idol of Bhagwan Parshvanath. This idol is more than 2,500 years
old. Previously, Muhari was a very big city with a beautiful temple of Bhagwan Parshvanath. DurIng
the Muslim invasion, this idol was kept hidden for its safety but the city was destroyed. This idol
was named Muhari Parshvanath after the name of the city. Another legend goes that nobody could
do darshan of this idol without paying the tax of one gold coin (muhar) to the village chief. People,
therefore, called the idol by the name Muhari Parshvanath. A few years ago, a Yati, in his dream
saw this idol buried in the ruins of the Shamalaji hills. The next day he went in a bullock cart to get
the idol but the idol did not move from its place. The same night, a Shravak Joyata Bhai, got the
same dream. On hearing of his dream, the Jain Sanghas of the four villages of Tintoi. Dadhaliya,
Modasa and Sarodi went together to bring the idol. The idol was brought in a bullock-cart with
great joy. Since the bullock-cart stopped at the centre of the Tintoi village, a splendid temple was
built there. This idol of Muhari Parshvanath was formally installed on the 5th day of the bright half
of the month of Vaishakh in the year 1828 of the Vikram era.

Other Temples: There are no other temples.

Works of art and Sculpture: This miraculous ancient temple brightly shines with three summits,
five open squares and two devkulikas.

Guidelines: One can go to Tintoi from the Shamalaji station which is on the Ahmedabad-Udaipur
railway line. This Tirth is at a distance of 45 kms. from the sacred place of Keshariyaji and very
near to Nana Posina Tirth. Bus service and service of private vehicles are available. Dharamshala
and Bhojanshala facilities are available here. There is an Ayambilshala, 2 upashrayas and a Gyan
bhandar. This is a place worth pilgrimaging.

Scripture: Gautam Gandhar, the first disciple of Bhagwan Mahaveer, has written about Muhari
Parshvanath in "Jagchintamani Chaityavandan Sutra" which is said daily in the morning (Rai)
pratikraman. This is a sound proof of the antiquity of this idol. A mention of Muhari Parshvanath is
made in "Shri Sankheswar Parshvanath Chand", in "108 Naamgarbhit Shri Godi Parshvanath
Stavan", in "108 Naamgarbhit Shri 108 Parshvanath Stavan", etc. An idol of Muhari Parshvanath is
there in Shri Kareda Tirth and in Shri Kalikund Parshvanath temple in Santacruz, Mumbai.

Trust: Shri Muhari Parshvanath Shwetambar Jain Tirth, Post: Tintoi – 383250. Taluk: Modasa,
District: Sabarkantha, Gujarat State, India. Phone: 0274-266212, 0274-266217.

श्री मुहरी पार्श्वनाथ 

श्री मुहरी पार्श्वनाथ – टिंटोई
अहमदाबाद से उदयपुर के रेलवे मार्ग पर शामलाजी स्टेशन से टिंटोई जा सकते है| इस टिंटोई गाँव में “मुहरी पार्श्वनाथ” का भव्य जिनालय है| सात फनों से युक्त यह श्वेतवर्णीय प्रतिमा ३३ इंच ऊँचे व २७.५ इंच चौड़े है|
श्री गणधर प्रभु द्वारा विचरित श्रे जगचिंतामनी चैत्यवंदन में “मुहरी पास दुह दरीअ खंडण” कहकर इन प्रभुजी को दुःख: व दुरित (पाप) का नाश करने वाले कहे गए है| यह प्रतिमाजी चौथे आरे के है|
प्राचीन समय में १२ गाउ विस्तृत मुहरी नाम का नगर था| यहाँ पार्श्वनाथ प्रभु का भव्य जिनालय था| मुस्लिम आक्रमण से यह मंदिर भी बच न सका| उस समय अधिष्ठायक देवों के संकेतानुसार मुलनायक प्रभु की स्थलांतर किया गया| मुहरी नाम के वासी होने के कारण ये मुहरी पार्श्वनाथ कहलाते है|
एक दंत कथा के अनुसार पहले यह प्रतिमाजी किसी ठाकोर के अधीन थी| प्रभु दर्शन के लिए एक महोर देनी पड़ती थी, इस कारण में “मोहरी पार्श्वनाथ” कहलाए|

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