17.Vidhnaprahar Parshwanath
Post-Mota Poshina,Ta-khedbharma
Dist- Sabarkantha
Mulnayak: Nearly 68 cms, high white-coloured idol of Bhagwan Vighnapahaar Parshvanath in the
Padmasana posture.
Tirth: It is in the village Mota Posina of the Khedbrahma Taluka.
Historicity: This is an ancient city and the temple is said to belong to the 15th century of the
Vikram era. Acharya Somsundarsurishvarji was a great Jyotishacharya of Jain religion. Shresthi
Gopal, on hearing the spiritual discourses of Acharya Somsundarsurishvarji, decided to build a
temple in his native village of Mota Posina. When the beautiful temple was constructed, his wife
and daughter got the idol of Bhagwan Parshvanath ceremonially installed in the temple by the
revered hands of Acharya Shri Somsundarsurishvarji in V.S.1477. At an auspicious hour the
installation ceremony was performed but a calamity happened. Suddenly, a fire broke out and
there was a fear among the people that the temple will be destroyed. Instead, a miracle happened.
The fire that had suddenly ignited, got extinguished without doing any harm. The name
‘Vighnapahar Parshvanath’ came out from the mouths of the people who were astonished to see
this and hence this Parshvanath came to be known as Vighnapahaar Parshvanath. Another name
for Vighnapahar Parshvanath is Vighnahara Parshvanath. In V.S. 1481, another small temple was
built in the premises of this temple by Shresthi Mandan. In V.S.1491,Shresthi Arjun got an idol of
Bhagwan Adinath installed by the revered hands of Acharya Somsundarsurishvarji. A flag is
hoisted in this temple on the 11th day of the dark half of the month of Jeth.
Other temples: There are 4 other temples here. In the temple of Shantinath Bhagwan, V. S.1281
is written on the idol. In the Neminath temple, V.S. 1888 is written on the idol. Kshetrapalji in the
temple of Mahaveer Swami is very miraculous. This shows the antiquity of these temples. All these
5 temples were renovated in the 17th century by Acharya Shri Vijaydevsuriji.
Works of art and Sculpture: This is a very ancient and sacred place.The temple is ancient,
beautiful and very artistic. The idol is very miraculous and awe-inspiring. There are many trees and
hills around. The temple, therefore, looks very splendid and beautiful.
Guidelines: The nearest railway station of Khedbrahma is at a distance of 45 kms. and Abu road
is at a distance of 52 kms. from here. This sacred place is at a distance of 29kms. from
Kumbhariyaji. Bus service and private vehicles are available from here. At a distance of 8 kms.
from this place there is a beautiful hill. By crossing it, one can go to Rajasthan. Dharamshala and
Bhojanshala facilities are available here.
Scripture: A history of this temple is available in the "28 Slokas" written by Charitraratna Ganivar,
a disciple of Acharya Somsundarsurishvarji.
Trust: Shri Vighnapahaar Parshvanath Swetambar Jain Tirth, Shri Mota Posinaji Jain Murtipujak
Derasar Trust, Post: Mota Posina-383 422, Taluka: Khedbrahma, District: Sabarkantha, Gujarat
State, India. Phone:02775-283471, 02775-283330.
श्री विघ्नहरापहार पार्श्वनाथ
श्री विघ्नहरापहार पार्श्वनाथ – मोटा पोसिना तीर्थ
कहा जाता है, विक्रम की तेहरवी सदी में यह प्रतिमा यहाँ पेड़ के नीचे भूगर्भ से प्रकट हुई थी| श्री कुमारपाल राजा ने मंदिर का निर्माण करवाकर इस प्रभु प्रतिमा को प्रतिष्टित करवाया था – ऐसी कींवदंती है|
यहाँ उपलब्ध शिलालेखों में उत्कीर्ण उल्लेखानुसार वि.सं. १४८१ में इस तीर्थ का जिणोरद्वार हुआ था| इससे यह तो सिद्ध हो जाता है की यह तीर्थ पंद्रहवी सदी पूर्व का है| तत्पश्चात विक्रम की सत्रहवी सदी में आचार्य श्री विजयदेवसूरीश्वर्जी के समय पुन: जिणोरद्वार होने का उल्लेख है|
यह एक प्राचीन तीर्थ स्थान है जिससे इसकी मुख्य विशेषता है| प्रति वर्ष ज्येष्ठ कृष्ण ११ को ध्वजा चढ़ती है, तब अनेकों यात्रिगन इकटे होकर प्रभु-भक्ति का लाभ लेते है|