18.Sfooling Parshwanath
Bhuddhisagar jain Samadhi temple,Satation road
Post-vijapur, Dist-maheshana
Mulnayak: 138 cms. high, white – coloured Parrikar Yukt idol of Bhagwan Sfulling Parshvanath in
the padmasana posture. There is an umbrella of 9 hoods over the head of the idol.
Tirth: It is on the outskirts of the village Vijapur by the highway road. In ancient times, there was a
temple of Sfulling Parshvanath, Vishahar Parshvanath and Mantradhiraj parshvanath in Nepal, but
they are not in existence now.
Historicity: Vijapur is an ancient and historic city established by Aahaddev in memory of his
father Vijaldev in V.S.1256. An inscription states that Vastupal – Tejpal renovated the temple of
Chintamani Parshvanath here in V.S. 1280. King Kumarpal built a fort here. When Acharya
Subodhsagarsurisvarji was sitting in meditation, he got an indication to set up a temple of Bhagwan
Sfulling Parshvanath here and this new temple was built. The idol of Sfulling Parshvanath was
ceremonially installed by the revered hands of Acharya Shri Kailashsagarsurishvarji and Acharya
Shri Subodhsagarsurishvarji in V.S. 2037 on the third day of the dark half of the month of Vaisakh.
It is a very good place for meditation in a peaceful atmosphere..
Other Temples: There are 12 other temples here. Among them the temple of Bhagwan
Chintamani Parshvanath is very ancient. It was renovated by Vastupal-Tejpal.
Works of art and sculpture: The Parrikar is beautifully carved with intricate artistic design. This
exceedingly splendid temple in a vast compound fascinates the pilgrims with its special type of
artistic carvings. In order to beautify this temple with wonderful artistry, skilled workers are making
artistic carvings on stone and the work is in progress in full swing. Besides, there are temples of
Padmavatidevi, Chakeshwaridevi, Saraswatidevi,Ambikadevi, Mahalaxmidevi and the guardian
god Ghantakarna Mahaveer. There is also the Samadhi temple of His Holiness Acharya
Buddhisagarsurisvarji. Vijapur is the place of birth, activities and kaldharma of
Buddhisagarsurisvarji. This is, therefore, a tirth of multifold holiness.
Guidelines: This temple is on Mehsana-Himmatnagar road at a distance of 50 kms from Mehsana
and 24 kms from Himmatnagar. Mahudi teerth is 10 kms away from this temple. The nearest
railway station of Vijapur is at a distance of 1km. Bus service and private vehicles are easily
available. In this temple, there is an Upashraya, a vast Dharamshala and a bhojanashala. There is
an ancient Gyan Bhandar also. At present, the work of building a rich library, a museum and a
reading-room is in its last stage. There is also a plan of setting up a pathshala, a gurukul and
dispensary in future. Near the temple, there is a big garden. Pilgrims feel at peace here and
become engrossed in devotion to God.
Scripture: Many inscriptions mentioningg Vijapur as being established as early as the 8-9th
century,shows the antiquity of the city. Many scriptures have been written during the 13-14th
century. "Dharmaratna Shravakachar" was written by Ajitprabh Ganivar in V.S.1295. In the
beginning of the 14th century, Shri Vidyanandsuri established the idol of Saraswati Devi and wrote
"Vidyanand Vyakaran" here. In the later half of the 16th century, Shri Somvimalgani, by the request
of the Jain sangh was felicitated with the title of "Upadhyay" and later on he became a great
Trust: Shri Sfulling Parshvanath Shwetambar Jain Tirth Pedhi, Buddhisagarsuri Jain Samadhi
Mandir, Station Road, Post: Vijapur – 382870. District: Mehsana, Gujarati State, India.
श्री स्वफुल्लिंग पार्श्वनाथ
श्री स्फुलिंग पार्श्वनाथ – बीजापुर
मेहसाना जिले के बीजापुर गाँव में भव्य शिखरबद्ध जिनालय में श्री स्फुलिंग पार्श्वनाथ प्रभु बिराजमान है|नौ फनों से युक्त वर्णीय यह प्रतिमाजी ५५ इंच ऊँचे व ४७ इंच चौड़े है|
पूर्वकाल में नेपाल देश में प्राचीनतम श्री स्फुलिंग पार्श्वनाथ, श्री विषहर पार्श्वनाथ व मंत्राधिराज पार्श्वनाथ के प्रभावक तीर्थ विधमान थे| आज वे तीर्थ विचेध हो चुके है|
बीजापुर में बिराजमान स्फुलिंग पार्श्वनाथ की प्रतिमा अवार्चिन होने अक पर भी अत्यंत ही मनमोहक है|