- Pallviya Parshwanath
Post-Palanpur, Gujarat
Mulnayak: Nearly 45 cms. high, white – coloured dol of Bhagwan Pallaviya Parshvanath in the
Padmasana posture.
Tirth: It is in the centre of the city of Palanpur in Gujarat and is popularly known as Motu Derasar.
It is one of the main temples of Palanpur.
Historicity: Palanpur is the birthplace of Prabhavak Acharya Shri Somsundarsuriji who was born
in V.S.1430 and Badshah Akbar pratibodak Jagadguru Shri Hirvijaysurishvarji who was born in
V.S.1583. There is a story behind the establishment of this city and temple. This ancient city is
more than 1,000 years old. King Prahaladan, also known as Palan, who was a Shaivite, came to
the throne of Abu in V.S.1001. He melted a metal idol of jain Thirthankara and made a Nandi out
of that metal. He installed that Nandi in a Shiva temple. One has to face the consequences of
one's actions. The king fell sick and he learnt that he was afflicted by leprosy. All efforts for curing
the disease proved ineffective. Problems don't come alone. On learning of his disease, his throne
was taken away from him by his relatives. In agony, he went to a forest. There he met Acharya Shri
Sheeldhavalsurishvarji. He told the Acharya about his actions and asked him what he should do in
repentance for what he had done. The Acharya asked him to establish an idol of a jain
Thirthankara and worship the idol daily. An alluring idol of Bhagwan Parshvanath was made and he
started worshipping the idol nine times daily with great faith and devotion. He was cured of his
disease very soon and he became a follower of the jain religion.
Being cured of his disease, the king named the idol of Parshvanath as "Pallaviya Parshvanath". In
V.S.1011, he found a beautiful spot and established a new city which became very prosperous.
This city was called Prahaladanpur after the name of the king and is also known as Palanpur. He
built a beautiful and gorgeous two storeyed temple in the city known as "Prahaladan Vihar" and
installed this idol of Pallaviya Parshvanath in it. This influential idol came to be known as "Pallaviya
Parshvanath". No one knows if this idol was made of gold or stone. During the Muslim invasion,
this original idol was hidden for its safety. A new idol of Bhagwan Parshvanath was made and
installed in the original temple by the revered hands of Korantgacchia Acharya Shri Kakkasuriji on
the fifth day of the bright half of the month of Phalgun in V.S.1274. This Parshvanath came to be
known as "Pallaviya Parshvanath". There are two other temples attached to the main temple with
Bhagwan Adinath and Bhagwan Neminath as the Mulnayak in them. This temple stands even
today. King Prahaladan performed many acts of religion. He was a great scholar and wrote many
books. The Sanskrit drama entitled "Parth Parakram Vyayog" was written by him. This temple was
renovated a few years back..
When Tappagaccha Acharya Shri Devendrasurishvarji came to Palanpur, he saw that the people
of Palanpur were very religious. 84 Shresthis along with other people of the city came to hear the
discourses of the Acharya in their palanquins decorated with the umbrella of peacock feathers.
Daily there was an offering of one Moodak (old measure for weighing) rice and sixteen mann of
supari (betel nut) in the temple. Upadhyay Vidhyanandgani was given the title of Acharya and he
was named Acharya Shri Vidhyanandsuriji and his younger brother Dharmakirti Maharaj was given
the title of Upadhyay in the temple of Shri Pallaviya Parshvanath. At that time, there was a shower
of scented Kumkum in the temple. The whole gathering present there was overjoyed when they
saw this miracle.
Other Temples: Besides this, there are at present 14 temples here.
Works of art and Sculpture: The idol of Bhagwan Parshvanath is very influential, miraculous,
alluring and beautiful. In this temple, there are other ancient artistic, bright – looking idols. In other
temples also, there are eye-pleasing idols. There is an idol of Goddess Ambika Devi here with the
year V.S.1315 written on it and on the idol of Gurudev V.S.1274 is written. The Jain temple with its
exquisite carvings and beautiful architecture helps to boost and enrich the cultural heritage of
Palanpur. The other attraction about this Jain temple is that it has the last existing image of
Palanpur’s King Prahaladan.
Guidelines: Palanpur is the main city of Banaskantha district. The Palanpur railway station is on
the main highway from Ahmedabad to Abu Road. The railway station and the bus stand are at a
distance of one km. from the temple. Buses and taxis are available for travel to the temple.
Dharamshala and Bhojanshala facilities are available here. Palanpur is well connected to all the
main cities by road. There are Gyanbhandaars, Upashrayas and Pathshalas here.
Scripture: A mention of Pallaviya Parshvanath is made in "NabhiNandanodwar Prabhand", in
"Gurvavali", "Shri Guruparv Karm Varnan", "Tirthmaala", "Prabandh Paanchshati", "Som
Sowbhagya Pattavali", "Vikram Charitra Paanchdand", "Tappagaccha Pattavali", "Hirsowbhagya",
"365 Shri Parshvajin Naammaala", "Shri Bhateva Parshvanath Stavan", "108 Naamgarbhit Shri
Parshvanath Stavan", "Shri Hirvijaysuri Raas", "Shri Parshvanath Naammala", "135 Naamgarbhit
Shri Parshvanath Stavan", "Vriddhi Vijay Gani Nirvan Bhaas", Shri Vijayratnasuri Raas",
"Sohamkulratna Pattavali Raas", "Shri Pallaviya Parshvanath Stavan", "Shri Parshva Prabhu ke
108 Naam ke Chandd" etc. There is an idol of Pallaviya Parshvanath in Kalikund Parshvanath
temple in Santacruz, Mumbai.
Trust: Shri Pallaviya Parshvanath Jain Shwetambar Mandir, Post: Palanpur, District:
Banaskantha – 385 001. State: Gujarat, India.
श्री पल्लविया पार्श्वनाथ
श्री पल्लविया पार्श्वनाथ – प्रहलादनपुर तीर्थ
आबू के पराक्रमी परमारवंशी राजा श्री धारावर्षदेव के भाई श्री प्रहलादन ने अपने नाम पर प्रह्लाद्नपुर नगरी बसाई थी| बाद में इसका नाम पालनपुर में परिवर्तित हुआ| इसका इतिहास विक्रम की तेहरवी सदी के प्रारंभ का माना जाता है|
चमताकारिक घटनाओं के पश्चात राजा प्रहलादन जैन धर्म के अनुनायी बने व इस मंदिर का निर्माण करवाकर श्री पार्श्वनाथ भगवान की प्रतिमा प्रतिष्टित करवाई थी, ऐसा उल्लेख है| वि.सं. १२७४ फाल्गुण शुक्ला पंचमी के शुभ दिन कोरंट गच्छाचार्य श्री कक्कसूरीश्वर्जी के शुभ हस्ते वर्तमान प्रतिमा की प्रतिष्ठा संपन्न हुई| राजा प्रहलादन द्वारा निर्मित होने के कारण पहले यह मंदिर श्री प्रहलादन पार्श्वनाथ मंदिर के नाम से विख्यात था| अभी यह पल्लविया पार्श्वनाथ मंदिर के नाम से प्रचलित है|
कहा जाता है, परमार वंशी पराक्रमी राजा श्री प्रह्लादनने आबू देलवाड़ा की धातुमयी एक विशाल प्रतिमा को गला कर अचलेश्वर महादेव मंदिर के लिए नन्दी बनवाया था, जिसके कारण राजा कृष्ठ रोग से पीड़ित होकर अत्यंत कष्ट सहने लगे| अंत में राजा व्याकुल होकर जंगल में चला गया| जंगल में आचार्य श्री शालीभद्र सूरीश्वर्जी से उनकी भेंट हुई| राजा ने सारा वृतांत सुनाया व निवारण पाने के लिए प्रार्थना की | आचार्य श्री ने कुष्ठ रोग से पीड़ित राजा को आशीर्वाद देकर प्रायश्चित स्वरुप श्री पार्श्वनाथ भगवान का मंदिर बनवाकर प्रभु-प्रतिमा का न्हवन जल शरीर पर लगाने की सलाह दी|आचार्यश्री के उपदेशनुसार भव्य मंदिर का निर्माण हुआ| देवाधिदेव श्री पार्श्वनाथ प्रभु की प्रतिमा को अति ही विराट मोहत्सव के साथ हर्षोल्लास पूर्वक प्रतिष्टित करवाया गया| प्रभु प्रतिमा के न्हवन जल का उपयोग करने पर राजा का कुष्ठ रोगचला गया| भक्तजन प्रभु को पहलविया पार्श्वनाथ कहने लगे| राजा अपने को कृतार्थ समझने लगा व जैन धर्मंवल्म्भी बनकर धर्म प्रभावना व उत्थान के अनेकों कार्य किये| राजा खुद भी विद्धान था, अत: अनेकों ग्रंथो की रचनाएं की| उनके द्वारा रचित ग्रंथो में “पार्श्व पराक्रम व्यायोग” नाम का ग्रन्थ आज भी विख्यात है|
सुप्रसीध राणकपुर तीर्थ के प्रतिष्ठाचार्य युगप्रधान आचार्य श्री सोम सुन्दरसूरीश्वर्जी का जन्म वि.सं. १४३० में इसी नगरी में हुआ था| अकबर प्रतिबोधक आचार्य श्री हीरविजयसूरीश्वर्जी की भी जन्म भूमि यही है| इनका जन्म वि.सं. १५८३ में यहाँ हुआ था|