25.Bhiladiya Parshwanath

25.Bhiladiya Parshwanath

25.Bhiladiya Parshwanath

  1. Bhladiya Parshwanath

Post- Bhiladi Ta-Disha


Mulnayak: 28cms. high, black – coloured colourful Parrikar yukt idol of Bhagwan Bhiladiya
Parshvanath in the padmasana posture. There is an umbrella of 7 hoods over the head of the idol.
Tirth: It is in Bhildi village on Palanpur – Radhanpur highway.
Historicity: There are many stone inscriptions of 13th – 14th century which indicate that Bhiladiya
was a very ancient and prosperous city. In ancient times, this beautiful and prosperous city was
known as "Trambavati". It was a very well-built city with 125 Jain temples with peaks, 125 wells
made of stone, many lakes, many other temples of different gods and goddesses etc. In Jain
scriptures, this place was known by the name Bhimapalli, but its history is not traceable. It is
believed that Bhimpalligacch came to be known after this Tirth. In V.S.1218, Acharya Shri
Jinpatisuri was given Diksha by Acharya Shri Jinchandrasuriji here. In V.S.1273, Vadgacch
Acharya Shri Somprabhsuriji and Acharya Shri Jagacchandrasuriji came on a pilgrimage to this
temple. This temple was renovated in V.S.1317. An idol of Gautam Gandhar was installed here in
V.S.1334 by the auspicious hands of Acharya Shri Jinprabodsuriji. There is an idol of Ambika Devi
with V.S.1344 inscribed on it. In V.S.1382, Influential Acharya Shri Jinodaysuriji was given Diksha
here by Acharya Shri Jinkushalsuriji. It is stated that in V.S.1352, 12 Jainacharyas were doing
Chaturmas here. Tappagaccha Acharya Shri Somprabhsuruji came to know by some divine power
that this city was going to be destroyed in the near future. When this was known, people vacated
this city and settled in a new city and named it Radhanpur. This city was destroyed in the year
1353 and remained unknown for many years. By the inspiration of Mehta Dharamchand of Deesa,
Anada, a Bhiladiya Brahmin, resettled this village in the year 1872 of the Vikram era and hence this
village came to be known as Bhildi. A new temple was built and the idol of Bhagwan Neminath was
installed as the Mulnayak in V.S.1892. This temple was renovated in V.S.2027 under the auspices
of Acharyashri Bhadrasurisvarji, Acharya Shri Omkarsurishvarji and Acharya Shri
Subodhsagarsurishvarji. After some years, a huge temple surrounded by 52 small temples was
built and the Anjanshalaka – Prathishta Mahotsav was done by Shasan Prabhavak Acharya
Shrimad Vijay Rajendrasurishvarji and many other great Acharyas in V.S. 2037 on the 7th day of
the bright half of the month of Vaishak. Some Shravaks from another village came to take this idol
to their village. When they tried to remove this idol of Bhagwan Parshvanath from its original place,
the idol became huge by some divine power and wild bees began to fly all around. Seeing this as
displeasure by the presiding deities for removing the idol, the idol was again re-installated in the
same place. Even today, faithful devolotees come here and have their desires fulfilled. A fair is held
here every year on the tenth day of the dark half of the month of Paush.
Other Temples: There is another temple here.
Works of art and Sculpture: The alluring, delightful, influential and miraculous idol of Bhiladiya
Parshvanath is very ancient. Since this is a very ancient place, many artistic relics are found here
and there from the hollow of the ground. The ancient artistic idols are very attractive. If excavation
work is done here, there is a possibility of finding historical material.
Guidelines : The nearest railway station of Bhiladiya is at a distance of 1 km. from the temple. In
olden times, the trust used to send bull – carts to the station to take the pilgrims. Now, autos are
sent. There is a good road to the temple. It is at a distance of 25 kms. from Deesa. Taxis and
buses are available here. Dharamshala and Bhojanshala facilities are available here. Radhanpur is
close by from here.
Scripture: A mention of this temple is made in "Shravan Dharm Prakaran", in "Mahaveer Raas", in
"Gurvavali" etc. Many inscriptions of 13-14 the century are found which show the antiquity of this
Trust: Shri Bhiladiya Parshvanath Shwetambar Jain Tirth, Post: Bhildi, Taluk: Deesa, via-
Palanpur, District: Banaskantha, Gujarat-385 530. India.


श्री भिलडीया पार्श्वनाथ

श्री भीलडीया पार्श्वनाथ – भीलडीयाजी
जैन शास्त्रों में इसका प्राचीन नाम भीमपल्ली होने का उल्लेख आता है| परन्तु, इसका इतिहास मिलना कठिन सा है| प्रभु प्रतिमा अति ही प्राचीन व परमपूज्य श्री कपिल केवली के सुहस्ते प्रतिष्टित मानी जाती है| एक और कंवदंती के अनुसार सम्प्रति राजा के समय की भी मानी जाती है| एक कींवदंती के अनुसार श्री श्रेणिक कुमार ने एक रूपवती भीलडी कन्या से शादी की थी व उसके जात के नाम पर यह नगरी बसाई थी| कालांतर में यह नगरी त्रम्बावती के नाम से प्रसिद्ध हुई| कहा जाता है की उस समय यहाँ सवा सौ शिखरबद्ध मंदिर, सवा सौ कुँए, अनेकों बावडिया, सुन्दर बाजार एवं इस मंदिर के पश्चिम भाग में राजगद्दी भी थी| वह स्थान आज भी गद्दीस्थल के नाम से प्रसिद्ध है| विक्रम सं. १३१७ में ओश्वाल क्षेष्ठी श्री भुवनपाल शाह द्वारा इस मंदिर के जिणोरद्वार करवाने का उल्लेख है|
विक्रम सं. १३४४ में क्षेष्ठी श्री लखमसिंघजी द्वारा यहाँ श्री अम्बिका देवी की मूर्ति प्रतिष्टित करवाने का भी उल्लेख मिलता है| उल्लेखो से प्रतीत होता है की यह नगरी (भीम्पल्ली)विक्रम की १४वि सदी में जलकर भस्म हुई थी, संभवत: अलाउदीन ने वि.सं. १३५३ में पाटण शहर पर आक्रमण किया, उसी समय इस नगरी का भी विनाश किया होगा| कहा जाता है, आचार्य श्री सोमप्रभसूरीश्वरजी का उस समय यहाँ क्व्हातुर्मास था| उनको श्रुतज्ञान से ज्ञात हुआ की इस नगरी का विनाश जल्दी होनेवाला है| यह जानकार आचार्यदेव व श्रावाकगन प्रथम कार्तिक शुक्ल चतुर्दशी को ही चौमासी प्रतिक्रमण करके नगर छोड़कर राधनपुर चले गए| जली हुई इटे, राख, कोयले आदि आज भी यहाँ पर भूगर्भ से जगह-जगह प्राप्त होते है|
यह प्रतिमा भी श्री कपिल केवली मुनि के हाथो प्रतिष्टित मानी जाने के कारण यहाँ की महँ विशेषता है| विक्रम की सोलहवीं शताब्दी में भीमपल्ली गच्छ की स्थापना इसी तीर्थ शेत्र पर हुई बताई जाती है| कहा जाता है भीलडीया गाँव पुन: बसने के पूर्व सरियद गाँव के श्रावकों ने इस प्रभु प्रतिमा को अपने गाँव ले जाने का प्रयत्न किया था| उसस समय यह मंदिर विनाश हुए गाँव के भयंकर में थी| श्रावकों ने प्रतिमा उथापण करके दरवाजे के बाहर लाने का प्रयत्न किया लेकिन दैविक शक्ति से प्रतिमा ने विराट रूप धारण किया व हजारों जंगली भवंरे मंडरने लगे|इस अतिशय को देखकर श्रावकों ने प्रतिमाजी को उसी जगह पर पुन: स्थापित कर दिया| ऐसी अनेक चमत्कारी घटनाएं घटने के वृतांत मिलते है व अभी भी यहाँ आने से श्रद्धालु भक्तजनों के मनोरथ पूर्ण होते है| प्रति वर्ष पौष कृष्ण १० के दिन मेला लगता है| इसके अतिरिक्त गाँव में एक और मंदिर है|


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