36.Bhidbhanjan Parshwanath

36.Bhidbhanjan Parshwanath

36.Bhidbhanjan Parshwanath

36.Bhidbhanjan Parshwanath

Mulnayak: 64 cms. high white – coloured idol of Bhagwan Bheedbhanjan Parshvanath in the
Padmasana posture.

Tirth: It is in the Patel locality of the Kheda City on the Ahmedabad – Bombay high way.

Historicity: Acharya Shri Vijayraj,on his way to Kheda city, sat down under a banyan tree near the
Hariyala village. The people of the city saw him and requested him to come to the city. Seeing the
simplicity and eagerness of the people, the Acharya preached them the merits of Jain religion and
inspired them to adopt it. The people of the village became Jains and took vratas from the
Acharya. The Shravakas asked for a Jain idol for worship. Hearing this, the Acharya asked them to
dig the ground under his seat. While digging under the banyan tree, they found a beautiful and
smiling idol of Bheedbhanjan Parshnvanath and a few other things in 1516 of the Vikram era. A
temple was built and this idol of Parshvanath was installed. This idol of Bheedbhanjan
Parshvanath is of the period of King Samprati. It is believed that worshipping this idol of the Lord
removes the difficulties of the devotee.This idol is believed to be of the 5th century and this
temple is there in Kheda city even today. This temple was renovated in V.S. 1794. Its last
renovation was accomplished in Vikram era 2053. This is the birth – place of Upadhyaya Shri
Udayratnaji and Acharya Shri Kapursurisvarji. This temple has a special significance on holy days
like Karthik Purnima and Chaitri Purnima.

Other Temples: Besides this, there are eight temples in the Kheda district.
Works of art and Sculpture: Since this idol belongs to the times of King Samprati, its artistry is
extraordinary and wonderful. The idols of the times of King Samprati and the idol in the Kousagga
posture which is found from the ground, are delightful.

Guidelines: Nadiad, the nearest railway station of Kheda on the Ahmedabad – Bombay highway, is
at a distance of 18 Kilometers, Bus and taxi service are available here. Dharamshala and
Bhojanshala facilities are there. There is an upashray, a pathshala and an ayambilshala, Dhokla,
Matar, Khambhat are close by from here.

Scripture: A mention of this temple has been made in "365 Shri Parshvajin Naammala", in "Shri
Sankheswar Parshvanath Chand", in "Shri Bhateva Parshvanath Stavan", in "Shri Parshvanath
Naammala", in "Shri Jambuswami Raas", in "Shri Parshvanath Chaityaparipati", in "Malayasundari
Mahabal Raas" etc. There are many temples of Bheedbhanjan Parshvanath all over India. An idol
of Bheedbhanjan Parshvanath is there in Jiravala Tirth, in Kalikund Parshvanath temple in
Santacruz, Mumbai, and in Gujrati Jainwadi, Chennai.

Trust: Shri Bheedbhanjan Parshvanath Jain Shwetambar Tirth Pedhi, Patelvado, Near main post
office , Post: Kheda, District: Kheda – 387 411, Gujarat State, India .


श्री भीड़भंजन पार्श्वनाथ

श्री भीड़भंजन पार्श्वनाथ – खेड़ा
गुजरात के खेडा शहर में श्री भीड़ भंजन पार्श्वनाथ का भव्य जिनालय है| यह प्रतिमा संप्रतिकालीन है, जो २५ इंच ऊँची व २१ इंच चौड़ी है|
एक बार विजयराज नाम के आचार्य भगवंत खेडा से पश्चिम दिशा में नदी तट पर आए हुए हरियाला गाँव के पास एक वट वृक्ष के नीचे बैठे हुए थे| ग्राम्यजनों को समाचार मिलते ही वे लोग आचार्य भगवंत के पास आए और गाँव में पधारने के लिए विनंती करने लगे| आचार्य भगवंत ने उन सबको धर्मबोध दिया | उन सभी ने जैन धर्म का स्वीकार किया| उन नूतन श्रावकों ने पूजा के लिए जिन प्रतिमा की मांग की|
उसी समय आचार्य भगवंत के अपनी बैठक की जगह खोदने के लिए सुचना की| उस जगह के खोदने पर मनोहर जिनबिम्ब की प्राप्ति हुई| उस समय परमात्म भक्ति का मोहत्सव मनाया गया|
संवत् १५१६ में वट वृक्ष के नीचे से प्राप्त प्रतिमा ही श्री भीड़ भंजन पार्श्वनाथ परभू की है| उसके बाद नदी तट पर ही परमात्मा का भव्य जिअनालय तैयार कराया गया| परमात्मा के अचिंत्य प्रभाव को देख चावड़ा गाँव के राजपूतों में मिथ्या मत का त्याग कर जैन धर्म का स्वीकार किया| पांचवी सदी जितने प्राचीन इस खेडा नगर में आज भी भीड़भंजन पार्श्व प्रभु का जिनालय है| संवत् १७९४ में इस तीर्थ का पुन: जिणोरद्वार हुआ था|


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