52.Navpallav Parshwanath

52.Navpallav Parshwanath

52.Navpallav Parshwanath

  1. Navpallav Parshwanath

Mulnayak: Nearly 83 cms. high white – coloured idol of Bhagwan Navpallav Parshvanath in the Padmasana posture.

Tirth: It is in Kampani Faliya in Mangrole city of Junagadh district.

Historicity: Mangrole, previously known as Mangalpur, is an ancient port city of Saurashtra. In ancient times, there were many Jain temples here as there was a large population of Jains residing here. This temple of Navpallav Parshvanath is very influential. It is believed that this temple was built by Maharaja Kumarpal. The idol of Navpallav Parshvanath was installed here in V.S.1263. By the advice of Acharya Shri VijayDharma Ghosh Surishvarji, Minister Pethadshah built 84 Jain Temples in different places and one such place is Mangrole. He built a gorgeous temple here also. There is a story behind the name Navpallav which is written by Shri Samaysundar Upadhyay in “Shri Navpallavbhaas”. Previously, this idol of Navpallav Parshvanath was in a temple in Vallabhipur. When Vallabhipur was destroyed, these ancient idols from there were taken to Prabhas Patan, Bhinmaal etc. This idol of Navpallav Parshvanath was brought to Mangrole. On the way to Mangrole, 2 fingers of the idol were broken. In an instant, a miracle happened. The fingers joined immediately (became Navpallavit). Hence, this idol came to be known as Navpallav Parshvanath. This idol of Navpallav Parshvanath is believed to be of the period of King Samprati. This idol is also known as “Mangalpura Parshvanath” after the city of Mangrole.

Other Temples: There are 2 other temples here. The visit to the temple of Shri Suparshvanath Bhagwan is a must.

Guidelines: Kesod railway station is at a distance of 25 kms. from Mangrole. Junagadh (Girnar Tirth) and Barej Tirth are close by from here. Dharamshala and Bhojanshala facilities are available here. There is an Upashraya also.

Scripture: A mention of Navpallav Parshvanath is made in “Tirthmala”, “Sashvat Tirthmala”, “Shri Som Soubhagya Kavya”, “365 Shri Parshvanath Naammala”, “Shri Sankheswar Parshvanath Chaand”, “Shri Bhateva Parshvanath Stavan”, “Shri Godi Parshvanath Stavan”, “Shri Parshvanath Sankhya Stavan”, in “Navpallav Parshvanath Stavan” etc. There is a temple of Navpallav Parshvanath in Khambhat and in Gogunda in Rajasthan. There is an idol of Navpallav Parshvanath in Jiravala Tirth, in Kareda Parshvanath temple and in Kalikund Parshvanath temple in Santacruz, Mumbai.

Trust: Shri Navpallav Parshvanath Shwetambar Jain Tirth, Kampani Faliya, Post: Mangrole, Taluk: Mangrole, District: Junagadh, State: Gujarat-362 225, India. Phone: 02878-222795.

श्री नवपल्लव पार्शवनाथ

श्री नवपल्लव पार्श्वनाथ – मांगरोल
जूनागढ़ जिले के मांगरोल शहर में कंपाणी फलिया में श्री नवपल्लव पार्श्वनाथ का भव्य जिनालय है| यह प्रतिमा फने रहित ३३ ऊँची व २७ इंच चौड़ी है|
मांगरोल नगर पहले “मेगलपुर” नाम से प्रसिद्ध था| यहाँ अनेक मंदिर थे| परमार्हत कुमारपाल ने इस मंदिर का निर्माण कराया था और वि.सं. १२६३ में नव पल्लव पार्श्वनाथ की प्रतिष्ठा कराइ थी|
समय सुन्दर उपाध्याय ने “नवपल्लव रास” की रचना की है| उस रचना के अनुसार यह प्रतिमाजी पहले वल्भिपुर में थी| वल्भिपुर का ध्वंस होने पर वहां से कुछ प्रतिमाजी प्रभास पाटण, बिनमाल आदि ले गए|
नवपल्लव पार्श्वनाथ को मांगरोल ले जाने लगे, तब बीच मार्ग में प्रतिमाजी की दो उंगली खंडित हो गयी थी| परंतु एक चमत्कारी घटना बनी और वे दोनों उंगलियाँ पुन पल्लवित हो गई, इस चमत्कार से इस प्रतिमा का नाम “नवपल्लव” पड़ा|

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