7. Shankhla Parshwanath

7. Shankhla Parshwanath

7. Shankhla Parshwanath

7        Shankhla Parshwanath

Mulnayak: Mulnayak is Shantinath Bhagwan. Nearly 68 cms. high black – coloured idol of
Bhagwan Shankhla Parshvanath in the Padmasana posture. There is an umbrella of 7 hoods over
the head of the idol.

Tirth: It is in the centre of Shankhalpur village.

Historicity: Sankhalpur was an ancient and very prosperous city. King Lakhman established this
ancient city and named it Salakhanpur. Between 14th and 17th century, the Jain community
dominated this city. They were rich, religious and prosperous. There were 2 beautiful temples of
Bhagwan Shantinath and Bhagwan Parshvanath during this period. The temple of Bhagwan
Parshvanath was built by Minister Pethadshah of Mandavgarh. The temples were destroyed
(reason not known) but the idols of Bhagwan were kept hidden for their safety. In V.S.1848, a
robber stole 2 Idols of Thirthankaras from Rantej and came to Shankhalpur. The Jain Shravaks
purchased these idols from him. They kept one idol with them and gave the other idol to the Jain
Sangh of Tuvad village. They purchased an old ruined place for building the temple. While digging
the land, they found many idols of Thirthankaras, Devi- Devtas, shikar of temple and many other
artefacts of the temple which were destroyed. Many idols from here were taken to Kadamgiri Tirth
and many other temples. This shows that there were many jain temples in this village which were
destroyed and the idols were kept hidden for their safety. A new temple with 3 Shikars was built
and the idol of Shantinath Bhagwan was installed as Mulnayak on the 8th day of the dark half of
the month of Jeth in V.S.1905. A flag is hoisted on this day every year. The ancient and influential
idol of Bhagwan Parshvanath installed here is known as "Shankhla Parshvanath" after the name of
the village. The temple is very miraculous and influential. In the basement of the temple, there is an
idol of Navkhanda Parshvanath, which is very miraculous and glorious. Many a times, the idol of
Navkhanda Parshvanath is found with Saffron applied on it. Many a times, when a devotee enters
the temple, he smells a beautiful fragrance. On searching the reason for this fragrance, he finds a
shower of beautiful flowers full of fragrance in front of the idol. Many a times, during the evening
Aarthi, the bell rings by itself and the tun – tun of the bell is heard far and wide. Once a square
silver coin was found near the idol of Navkhanda Parshvanath. These miracles keep happening
here. From many years, an "Akhand Deepak" is kept lighted in front of the idol of Navkhanda
Parshvanath. There are more than 25 idols of Thirthankaras here. All the idols are ancient,
beautiful and alluring.

Guidelines: Shankhalpur is at a distance of 2kms. from Bechraji railway station. Recently
Shankalpur has become a flag station. There are 2 Upashrayas here. Rantej, Shankeshwar,
Bhoyani tirth are close by from here.

Scripture: A mention of Shankhla Parshvanath is made in "Tirthmala", in "108 Naam Garbhit Shri
Godi Parshvanath Stavan", in "Gurvavali", in "108 Naam Garbhit Shri Sankheswar Parshvanath
Chaand", in "Kocchar Vyavahari Raas" etc. There is an idol of Shankhla Parshvanath in Jiravala
Tirth and in Kalikund Parshvanath temple in Santacruz, Mumbai.

Trust: Shri Shankhla Parshvanath Shwetambar Jain Tirth, Patidar Mahajan ki gali, Post:
Shankalpur, Station: Bechraji, Taluk: Chanasma, District: Mehsana, State: Gujarat-384 210, India.
Phone: 02734- 284408.

श्री शंखला पार्श्वनाथ

श्री शंखला पार्श्वनाथ – शंखलपुर
मेहसाना जिले के शंखलदर गाँव में शांतिनाथ प्रभु के जिनालय में मुलनायक प्रभु के पास दाई और दुसरे गम्भारे में श्री शंखला पार्श्वनाथ प्रभु बिराजमान है| जो सम्प्रतिकालीन श्याम वर्णीय, ७ फनों से युक्त और २७ इंच ऊँचे और १९ इंच चौड़े है|
शंखलपुर गाँव काफी प्राचीन है| लखमण नामक राजा ने यह गाँव बसाया था और अपने नाम से गाँव का नाम “सलखनपुर” रखा था| १४वि से १७वि सदी तक यहाँ जैनों की अच्छी बस्ती थी|

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