8. Gambhira Parshwanath

8. Gambhira Parshwanath

8. Gambhira Parshwanath

8      Gambhira Parshwanath

Post-Gambhu ,TA-Charnsma  Dist-Mehsana

Mulnayak: Nearly 45 cms. high, white – coloured idol of Bhagwan Gambhira Parshvanath in the
Padmasana posture.

Tirth: It is in the central part of the village Gambhu. There are 2 temples of Gambhira Parshvanath,
the main one is in Gambhu and the other is in Dungarpur, (which is also known as Giripur) Mewad.

Historicity: It is believed that the history of this place belongs to the ninth century. The ancient
name of this city was "Gambhuya" or "Gambhuta". This was a very prosperous city and many
historical events had taken place here. From gift papers in the possession of this temple, it
becomes evident that in ancient time there were several Jain temples existing here.. The scattered
ruins in the area here are a testimony of the antiquity of this place. This idol of Gambhira
Parshvanath is believed to be of the period of Raja Samprati. The idol of Gambhira Parshvanath
was re-installed in a beautiful two storeyed temple in V.S. 1844. This temple was renovated in V.S.
2025. Many ancient idols were discovered here from underneath the earth. The idol of Mulnayak
Shri Mahaveer Bhagwan in the Lalbagh temple in Bhuleshwar, Mumbai is from Gambhu. Nina
Sheth, an ancestor of Minister Vimalshah, after leaving Srimalpur (Bhinmal) settled down in
Gambhu in the 9th century of the Vikram era.

Other Temples: There are no other temples.
Works of art and Sculpture: This idol of Gambhira Parshvanath is always smiling and miraculous.
Visitor's letters given to different temples proves the presence of many temples at this place.The
artistry of the temple is beautiful. It is said that daily a silver coin miraculously appeared in the
hands of the Lord. When people came to know about this, the coin stopped appearing and the coin
which was there in the hands of the Lord stuck to it which is there even today.

Guidelines: The nearest railway station of Mehsana is 18 kms. away. Taxi services and bus
services are available here. Pilgrims can go to Gambhu via Ganeshpura on the Mehsana –
Modhera road. The temples of Sankheswar, Mehsana, Kamboi, Chanasma, Patan etc. are nearby
from Gambhu Tirth. Dharamshala and Bhojanshala facilities are available here. There is an
Upashraya also here.

Scripture: Acharya Sri Shilankacharyaji had written his commentary on "Acharang Sutra" in this
village in Vikram year 919. In Vikram year 956, Shri Parshvanag with the help of Shravak
Jambunag, had written "Yati Pratikraman Sutra" and "Shravak Pratikraman Sutra". The ancient
Vedic Granth entitled “Sushrut” was also composed and written here. In Vikram year 1305, “Vrittis “
of “Upang Panchak” were also written here. There is an idol of Gambhira Parshvanath in Kareda
Parshvanath temple.

Trust: Shri Gambhu Jain Shwetambar Murtipujak Sangha Trust, Bazaar Jain Derasar, Post:
Gambhu – 384 011, Taluk: Becharaji, District: Mehsana, Gujarat State, India.
Phone: 02734 – 82325.

श्री गंभीरा पार्श्वनाथ

श्री गंभीरा पार्श्वनाथ – गाँभू तीर्थ
यहाँ का इतिहास विक्रम की नवमी शताब्दी पूर्व का माना जाता है| यहाँ किसी समय यह एक विराट नगरी थी| उल्लेखों से पता चलता है की पाटण बसने के पहले यह बस चूका था | इसका प्राचीन नाम गंभीरा व गंभुता था| जिनालयों को प्रदान किये भेट पत्रों से प्रतीत होता है की प्राचीन काल में यहाँ अनेकों जैन मंदिर थे| यहाँ अनेकों जैन ग्रंथो की रचनाएं हुई है| इधर उधर बिखरे हुए खंडहर अवशेष यहाँ की प्राच्चीनता के प्रमाण है| यह प्रतिमा राजा संप्रतिकालीन की मानी जाती है|
आचार्य श्री शीलान्काचार्य ने “आचारांग सूत्र” की टिका इसी गाँव में विक्रम सं. ८१८ में की थी| प्राचीन वेधक ग्रन्थ “सुश्रुत” की रचना भी यहीं हुई थी|
मंत्रीश्वर श्री विमलशाह के पूर्वज नीना सेठ श्रीमाल नगर से प्रथम यहीं आकार बसे थे| गुर्जर नरेश वनराज चावड़ा ने इनको पाटण में रहने का आमंत्रण यहीं पर भेजा था| उनके पुर लहर को पाटण का दंडनायक बनाया था| शक सं. ८२३ में रचित “श्रावक प्रतिकमनसूत्र” को यहीं ताड़पात्र पर लिखा गया था| विक्रम सं. १३०५ में “उपांग पंचक” की वृतियां यहीं लिखी गई थी| इनके आलावा भी अनेकों ग्रंथो की यहाँ रचना होने का उल्लेख मिलता है|

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