80.Navkhanda Parshwanath
Mulnayak: Black – coloured idol of Bhagwan Navkhanda Parshvanath in the Padmasana posture and 91 cms high. There is an umbrella of nine hoods over the head of the idol.
Tirth: This sacred place is in the Ghogha port.
Historicity: The ancient name of Ghogha was Gundigarh. It was a very famous port. By the advice of Mahendrasurisvraji, Shri Hirubhai got an idol of Parshvanath made and got it installed in the year 1168 of the Vikram era. This temple, therefore, belongs to the times earlier than the twelfth century. During the Muslim rule, when other temples and idols were broken, this temple was also attacked. They broke the idol into nine pieces, put the pieces together in a sack and threw the sack into a well in Bhavnagar. This idol was in the well for many years. One day , by the indicaton of a divine power, a Shravak got this idol out of the well. He brought the broken idol to Ghogha. The divine power asked them to place the idol in “9 Mann lapsee” (made from broken wheat, ghee, jaggery and water) for 9 days. All were eagerly waiting for the 9 days to be over. But on the 8th day, a sangh came from Bharuch and they wanted to do Darshana of the Lord. Not being able to wait any longer, the idol was taken out on the 8th day. The idol was completely joined but the joint marks of the nine pieces were left and they are seen even today. Navkhanda Parshvanath is the name given to Bhagwan after this event as there are 9 joints in the idol.The lamp here is continuously kept burning giving saffron colour Flame. It is believed that when something of ours is lost and if we chant the name of “Navkhanda Parshvanath” 108 times, the lost thing is found.
Other Temples:There are 4 other temples near this temple. There are two other big temples in the vilage of Chandraprabhuji and Jeerawala Parshvanath.
Works of art and Sculpture: The workmanship of this idol is excellent. This idol is ancient, bright – looking and miraculous. There are many ancient and artistic idols made of the five metals. In the nearby temple of Sri Neminath Bhagwan there are several idols discovered from under the earth. In the nearby temple of “Samosaran”, there exists a fine metal Samosaran of early 16th century. Adjacent to the principal temple, there are temples of Sri Suvidhinath Bhagwan and Sri Shanthinath Bhagwan. The architectural style of Sri Chandraprabh Bhagwan’s temple in the village is believed to be of the period of Raja Kumarpal. There are several ancient relics too.
Guidelines: The nearest railway station is the Bhavnagar station. It is 21 kilometers away,and connected with major cities of India. Bhavnagar Airport is 20 KM.away and there is daily flight from Mumbai. Palitana is 56kms. from here. Buses and taxis are available here. There is pukka road to the Jain temple. Dharamshala and Bhojanshala facilities are available.
Scripture: A mention of this temple has been made in “Tirthmala”, in “Chaityaparipati”, in ” Parshvanath Naammala”, etc. An idol of Navkhanda Parshvanath is there in Bhiladiyaji tirth, in Jiravala tirth, in Kalikund Parshvanath temple, in Panchasara Parshvanath temple of Patan and in Shanthinath temple of Shankalpur.
Trust: Sheth Kala Mitha Ni Pedhi, Navakhanda Parshvanath Jain Derasar, Gogha : 364110, Dist. Bhavnagar, Gujarat State, India.
श्री नवखंडा पार्श्वनाथ
श्री नवखंडा पार्शवनाथ – घोघा
सौराष्ट्र देश में भावनगर जिले में घोघा गाँव में नवखंडा पार्श्वनाथ प्रभु का तीर्थ आया हुआ है|
वि.सं. ११३८ में पू. आचार्य श्री महेंद्रसूरीजी म.सा. के उपदेश से श्रीमाली ज्ञाति के हीरूभाई नाणावटी से पार्श्वनाथ प्रभु के भव्य जिनालय का निर्माण कराया था|
वर्षो तक यह तीर्थ भव्य जीवों को मुक्ति मार्ग की अपूर्व प्रेरणा देता रहा| एक बार म्लेछो ने इस तित पर आक्रमण किया और पार्शवनाथ प्रभु की मूर्ति के नौ टुकड़े कर डाले| इन म्लेच्छो ने उन नौ टुकडो को पोटली में बांधकर कुँए में दाल दिए|
कुछ समय व्यतीत होने पर अधिष्ठायक देव ने घोघा के किसी श्रावक को दैविक संकेत दिया| स्वप्न के अनुसार उस श्रावक ने वह पोटली कुँए में से बाहर निकाली और उन टुकडो को नौ मण लापसी में रख दिए| दैविक संकेत था की ९ दिन बाद उस लापसी में रख दिए| दैविक संकेत था नौ दिन पूर्ण होने की प्रतीक्षा कर रहे थे|
ठीक आठवे दिन भरोच नगर से एक संघ घोघा आ पहुंचा| संघ्के यात्रीको ने प्रभु दर्शन की इच्छा व्यक्त की| इसके फल स्वरुप आठवे दिन ही उस प्रतिमा को बाहर निकाल दी| प्रतिमा के नौ खंड जुड़ गए थे परंतु अधीरता के कारण नौ खंडो के संधि-स्थल लुप्त नहीं हो पाए| आज भी उस प्रतिमा में नौ खंड के निशाँ दिखाई देते है| इस कारण इस पार्श्वनाथ प्रभु को नौ खंडा पार्श्वनाथ प्रभु के नाम से जाना-पहिचाना जाता है|तीन शिखरों से सुशोभित इस मंदिर का रंग मंडप अति विशाल है|
यह प्रतिमा परिकर युक्त श्याम वर्णीय है| प्रतिमा की उंचाई फणा सहित ३६ इंच व चोडाई २४.२५ इंच है| प्रतिमा के ऊपर नौ फण है|