81.Nageshwar Parshwanath

81.Nageshwar Parshwanath

81.Nageshwar Parshwanath

Shri Nageshwar Parshvanath
Mulnayak: Nearly 420 cms, high, green – coloured standing idol of Bhagwan Parshvanath  in the Kausagga posture. Over the head of Bhagwan,there is an umbrella of seven hoods. The total height with hoods is 14 ft. The height of God’s body excluding the hoods is thirteen and a half ft. The actual height of Bhagwan was of nine hands.


Tirth: It is on the river bank near the Unhel village and at the height of a thousand ft. from the sea – level.


Historicity: The idol installed in this temple is nearly 2800 years old. It is made of Emeralds. Only a direct observer who has actually seen the Lord can make the thirteen and a half ft. high idol of Bhagawan Pashvanath . The colour of the idol is the actual colour of the Lord. Sculptors and idol specialists  are of the opinion that the gem – stone out of which the idol is made is more than two thousand years old. It is believed that the idol was made by gods.  This idol was formerly installed in the temple in the city of Ahichattra. As time passed by, people came to know about the value of this idol. In greed, many people wanted to destroy the idol. The presiding deity protected the idol. A Jain Acharya heard of this and by virtue of his penance, he called Dharanendradev and asked him to make the idol of stone  so that any greedy person  may not break the idol. Later on, this idol was brought to Parasnagar and installed there. King Ajitsen built a beautiful temple for the Lord and worshipped the Lord.  He was childless. He was blessed by a child. In Vikram Samvat 1624, this temple was renovated by the preachings of Shri Abhaydevsuri. Parasnagar became Nageshwar and hence the Lord came to be known as Nageshwar Parshvanath. As time flew, the  Pujaribaba of that place became the owners of the idol. Upadhayay Shri Dharmasagarji Maharaj, came to know that the idol known as ‘Nagbaba’ in the unhel village of Rajasthan was in fact an ancient Jain Swetamber idol of Bhagawan Nageshvar Parshvanath. It was in the possession of non-Jains. By his strenuous efforts, the idol was returned to the Jains through court order. The idol was re-installed by Shri Ahbaysagarji ganivarya and made fit for worship by doing 18 Abhishek Pooja. Since the year 1970 of the Vikram era, the temple is under complete ownership of Jains. All the credit for the success goes to bright intelligence, hard efforts, generosity, devotion and oratory of Shri Abhaysagarji Maharaj Saheb. Many rich merchants also extended their praiseworthy co-operation towards the development of the tirth. The idol of Nageshvar Parshvanath was reinstalled for worship in Vikram Samvat 2037.


Other Temples: There is also a Dadwadi of Khusalsuriji. A splendid Dadwadi of Rajendra surishvarji is under construction in full swing.


Works of art and Sculpture: Nowhere in India there is such a wonderful, delightful, splendid, large and beautiful idol of Bhagwan  Nageshvar Parshvanath. Bhagwan is seen  standing in the Kausagga posture. On both sides of Mulanayak there are idols of Shantinath and Mahavir Swami in the Kausagga posture. They are made of grey stone. The idol has a loin – cloth, a waist – band and a hallow. Though the idol is so large, it stands on its feet in a natural and balanced posture. This is a puzzle even for skilled artists. The border of the hallow is beautiful, artistic and minutely made. It is a wonderful work of sculpture. Since years a snake lives in the niche in the stone wall behind the hoods on the head of the idol. Sometimes, it appears to the fortunate devotees in a white or catechu color. On both sides near the feet of Mulanayak there are 37 inches high idols of gods with chamars .  The idols are so brilliant that they reflect lighted lamps. The eyes are so artistically made that wherever a devotee is standing, he thinks that God is showering his favour on him. This sacred tirth is surely worth visiting.

Guidelines: The Nageshvar tirth is at a  distance of 8 kms. from Vikramgarh  Alot  and 15 kms. from Chomahala  railway station. The roads are smooth. The Deharadun Express, the Ferojpur Express, the Janta Express, the Mathura – Vadadora Local , Parcel trains and the Avadh Express halt here. There is a provision for jeeps and mini – buses at the tirth pedhi. They are sent on order to Alot. There are excellent boarding and lodging facilities.

Scripture:They are of the Mathura style of more than eleven hundred years old.  Near the Kankali hills of Mathura, a Jain stupa with inscriptions was found. In the inscription, a mention has been made of Jain idols made 1100 years ago. In it, an emerald idol of  Lord Parshvanath made by Dharnendra  Dev is mentioned. So, it is assumed that this is the idol of Nageshwar Parshvanath. An idol of Nageshwar Parshvanath is in “Kareda Parshvanath temple” , in Amroli village  Jain temple near Surat, in Kandivali Jain temple, Mumbai, in Porur Jain temple, Chennai, etc.
Trust: Shri Jain Swetambar Nageshvar Parshvanath Tirth Pedhi, Post: Unhel – 326 515,  Station: Chowmahala,  District: Zalawad.  State : Rajasthan, India.  Fax :  07410-40716


श्री नागेश्वर पार्श्वनाथ

श्री नागेश्वर पार्श्वनाथ – नागेश्वर तीर्थ
प्रतिमाजी की कलाकृति से प्रतिमा लगभग ११०० वर्षो से पूर्व की होने की अनुमान है | इस प्रतिमा का प्रभु पार्श्वनाथ के जीवित काल में प्रभु के अधिष्ठयाक श्री धर्नेंद्र देव द्वारा निर्मित होने की भी मानयता है| यह प्राचीन मंदिर जीर्ण अवस्था में था ,जिसकी देखभाल एक सनयासी बाबा वर्षो से कर रहा था ,प्रतिमा हमेशा अपूजित रहती थी |
श्री पर्श्वप्रभु के देह्प्रमान नव हाथ ऊँची (१३.५ फुट) व हरित वर्ण में मर्कात्मानी सी प्रतीत होती यह भवय चमत्कारिक प्रभु के समयकालीन मानी जाने वाली प्राचीन प्रतिमा अदित्वय है, जो यहा की मुखय विशेषता है |यह प्रतिमा जब सनयासी बाबा की देखभाल में थी ,तब तक चमत्कारिक घटनाओं के कारण स्थानिय लोग आकर्षित होकर दर्शनार्थ आते रहते है |उसके पश्चात भी अनेको प्रकार की चमत्कारिक घटनाऐ समय-समय पर घटने का उल्लेख है |अभी भी चमत्कारिक घटनाए घटती रहती है |
वर्तमान में इसके अतिरीक्त बहारी भाग में एक दादावाडी व दो गुरु मंदिर है |प्रभु प्रतिमा की कला तो अति सुन्दर है |आजू बाजू कायोत्सर्ग मुद्रा में लगभग १३५ सें. मी. ऊँची श्री शांतिनाथ भगवान् व श्री महावीर भगवान की प्रतिमाए है |
इस मंदिर की प्रतिष्ठा वैशाख सूद ६ वि.सं. २०३७ में संपन्न हुई|
नागेश्वर पार्श्वनाथ प्रभु के दर्शन के साथ ही साक्षात प्रभु के अस्तित्व काल की झाकी प्रस्तुत हो जाती है| प्रभु के मूल नीलवर्ण से युक्त इस प्रतिमा की उंचाई, प्रभु की ९ हाथ की (१३.५ फुट) उंचाई समान है| प्रभु के दर्शन के साथ ही सौम्यरस का महासागर उमड़ता हुआ प्रतीत होता है|
यह प्रतिमा प्रभु पर्श्वानाथ के समकालीन होने का अनुमान है| पादपीठ में रहे अष्ट मंगल आदि से भी यह अनुमान सही लगता है|
विद्धानो के मतानुसार यह प्रतिमा देवनिर्मित है| अहिछत्रा नगरी में उसकी स्थापना की गई| वहां सुरक्षा का अभाव होने पर इस प्रतिमा को पारस नगर में स्थापित किया गया|
संतान प्राप्ति की लिए दुखी बने अजितसेन राजा और पद्मावती रानी को इस प्रतिमा की प्राप्ति हुई| एक भव्य जिनालय का निर्माण कराकर इस प्रतिमा जी की नागेन्द्र गच्छ के जैनाचार्य द्वारा प्रतिष्ठा कराई गई| प्रभु प्रतिमा की उपासना के प्रभाव से राजा को संतान की प्राप्ति हुई|
कालक्रम से यह मंदिर जीर्ण हुआ| वि.सं. १६२४ में नागेन्द्रगच्छ के जैनाचार्य श्री अभयदेवसूरी के उपदेश से मंदिर का जिणोरद्वार हुआ| धीरे-धीरे यह पारस नगर “पारस नागेश्वर” के नाम से प्रख्यात हुआ|
आज का यह तीर्थस्थान भूतकाल में वैभवपूर्ण नगर था| इस बात को सिद्ध करने वाले अनेक प्रमाण आज भी विधमान है|
श्री नागेश्वर पार्श्वनाथ की पूजा से सर्प का भयंकर विष भी श्रणभर में दूर हो जाता है| प्रभुजी के इस प्रभाव का अनुभव अनेक ने किया है |



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