86.Bhateva Parshwanath

86.Bhateva Parshwanath

86.Bhateva Parshwanath

86.Bhateva Parshwanath

Mulnayak: Nearly 23 cms. high, catechu – coloured idol of Bhagwan Bhateva Parshvanath with a waist – band and in the Padmasana posture along with the idols of Dharnendra and Padmavati. Over the head of the idol, there is an umbrella of seven hoods. This idol is of the period of 21st Thirthankara Shri Naminath Bhagwan.

Tirth: It is in the town of Chanasma.

Historicity: There is a story of how this idol was made. King Prajapal, the ruler of Champanagari.with his minister Budhisagar went on a horse-ride to test the horses.The horses flew like the wind without stopping and they came to a jungle. Not knowing how to stop the horses they both caught the branch of a tree and got off the horses. The horses also stopped when their reins were left. As dusk fell, they both thought of spending the night under the tree. In the middle of the night, they heard music being played. Both of them went to investigate the source of the music. They found that “Nargosh muni” had attained Kewalgyana and the devtas had come to celebrate the kewalgyan ceremony. Both of them heard the discourse of the muni and took an oath not to eat or drink water before praying to the idol of a Thirthankara. In the morning, their oath was tested. There was no temple in the jungle. The king was feeling hungry and thirsty. While searching for a way out of the jungle, the minister found a lake. The minister made a beautiful idol of 23rd Thirthankara Parshvanath out of sand and gave it to the king. The king could not do Abhishek of the Lord because it was made of sand. Not knowing what to do, both were praying to the Lord. Being pleased by their sincere prayers, Devi Padmavati appeared before them and said that she has made the sand idol into stone. This idol came to be called as “Bhateva Parshvanath “. The king built a beautiful temple and installed this idol there. 30,000 years later, king Bhudar of Patan had a son. He was blind, dumb and he was suffering from uncurable illness. Acharya Dharmaghoshsuriji asked the king to sprinkle the bath water of Bhateva Parshvanath on his son. The prince was cured. Later on this idol was taken to Devaloka and worshipped by devas for 5,25,000 years. This idol was given to Surchand Shravak by devas when he prayed to Devi Padmavati.Under instructions of Acharyashri Ajitsimhasurishvarji of the Achalgachha this temple was established by Surchand Shravak in the year 1335 of the Vikram era.
Other Temples: There is a temple of Shri Sheetalnath Bhagwan and another temple of Shri Adinath Bhagwan.

Works of art and Sculpture: This idol is made of sand and is very impressive. Along with the idols
of Dharanendra and Padmavati, this girded idol made of sand, looks very pleasing. There is an idol of Ambikadevi with a child below the idol of the lord. This sacred place on the Mehsana – Harij high way, is excellently grand. There is no other idol like this and one must visit this temple.

Guidelines: This temple is at a distance of one kilometer from the Chanasma railway station on the Mehsana – Harij road. There is an ancient gyanbhandar, an upashraya, dharmashala, bhojanshala and a pathshala.

Scripture: A mention of this temple has been made in “Shri Parshvanath Naammala”, “Shri Parshvanath Chaityaparipati”, “Shri Bhateva Parshvanath ki Utpatti”, ” Shri Bhateva Parshvanath Lavani”, etc. An idol of Bhateva Parshvanath is there in “Kalikund Parshvanath temple” in Santacruz, Mumbai, in Jiravala Tirth, in Vasupujyaswami temple in Gopipura, Surat, in Bhiladiyaji tirth and in Kareda Tirth,

Trust: Shri Chanasma Jain Mahajan Ni Pedhi, Moti Vaniyavad, Chanasma – 384 220. District: Patan, Gujarat State, India.


श्री भटेवा पार्श्वनाथ

श्री भटेवा पार्श्वनाथ – चाणस्मा तीर्थ
प्रामाणिक उल्लेखो से ज्ञात होता है की इस तीर्थ की स्थापना वि. चौदहवी शताब्दी के पूर्व हुई होगी| कहा जाता है की सदियों पहले ईडर नगर के निकट भाटुआर गाँव के निवासी श्रावक सुरचंद को पूण्ययोग से यह प्रतिमा भूगर्भ से प्राप्त हुई| तत्पश्चात दिन प्रतिदिन सुरचंद श्रावक के घर में सिद्धि-सिद्धि की वृद्धि होती रही, जिससे उनकी ख्याति बढ़ने लगी| सुसंपन्न श्रावक के प्रति ईडर के राजा के दिल में इर्ष्या भाव पैदा हुआ व प्रभु-प्रतिमा की माँग करने लगा| उस पर श्रावक ने प्रतिमाजी को भूगर्भ में सुरक्षित रखा|
विष श्रीमाली कुल की वंशावली से ज्ञात होता है की श्री जयंत श्रावक ने नारेली से यहाँ अपने ससुराल के गाँव आकर किए जब अचलगच्छ के आचार्य श्री अजितसिंहसूरीजी के सदुपदेश से यहाँ सुन्दर मंदिर का निर्माण करवाकर श्री भटेवा पार्श्वप्रभु प्रतिमा की प्रतिष्ठा वीर नि.सं. १८०४ (वि.सं.) में करवाई थी|
एक उअर उल्लेख से पता चलता है की चाणस्मा के रविचन्द्र श्रावक ने यहाँ मंदिर बनवाकर वि.सं. १५३५ में इस प्रतिमा को प्रतिष्टित करवाया था| हो सकता है की उस समय पुन: उधार हुआ हो| इन सारे वृतान्तो से सिद्ध होता है की यह मनोरम प्रभु प्रतिमा अति ही प्राचीन है, कालक्रम से अनेको बार उठान-पतन होने के कारण कुछ काल तक भूगर्भ में रही होगी|
बालू से निर्मित यह प्रतिमा अति ही प्रभावशाली है| सुरचन्द श्रावक को प्रतिमा प्राप्त होते ही उनके घर में सिद्धि-सिद्धि अवर्णणीय रूप से बढ़ी थी| आज भी श्रद्धालु भक्तजनों को यह अतिशय प्रतीत होता है|


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