92.Ravan Parshwanath

92.Ravan Parshwanath

92.Ravan Parshwanath

92.Ravan Parshwanath

Mulnayak: 33 cms high, Parrikaryukt white – coloured idol of Bhagwan Ravan Parshvanath in the Padmasana posture. There is an umbrella of 7 hoods over the head of the idol.

Tirth: It is in the Alvar city.

Historicity: Alvar is an ancient city built by Rana Alwar in the10th century of the Vikram era and he  named it Alvarpur after himself. There is a story regarding the establishment of this tirth.. Once Ravana, the king of Lanka, was going to a distant place with his wife Mandodari. As it was time for lunch, they halted near Alvar. Ravana had taken the vow of taking meals only after worshipping God but he had forgetten to bring the idol with him. In order to keep the vow, Mandodari made an idol of sand and installed it with life by reciting Namaskar Mahamantra. By virtue of the vow and Mandodari’s chastity, the presiding deity made the idol adamantine. Thus, this idol of Parshvanath worshipped by Mandodari and Ravana began to be known as “Ravan Parshvanath”. This ancient temple survived till the 15th century. A new temple was built by Shresthi Hiranand and a new idol of Bhagwan Parshvanath was also made. This new idol was installed in the new temple in 1654 of the Vikram era by Vachak Rangkalash on the advice of Acharya Shri Jinchandrasuriji. The idol was reinstalled again in the year 1983 of the Vikram era by Acharya Shri Vijayvallabhsurishvarji.
Other Temples: There are no other temples.


Works of art and Sculpture: This is a very ancient and famous tirth. It spreads all around the fragrance of the firm vow of Ravana. Comparisons with the sun, the moon, the mirror, the lotus flower etc. fall short of describing the beautiful face of Bhagwan Parshvanath. This temple has a terrace and no pinnacles.


Guidelines: The railway station of Alvar, a district and a chief city of Rajasthan, is at a distance of 3 kms. from the city. The city is at a distance of 3kms. from the temple. Bus service and private vehicles are available. Dharamshala and Bhojanshala facilities are available here.

Scripture: A mention of Ravan Parshvanath is made in “365 Shri Parshvajin Naammala”, in “Shri Ravan Parshvanath ka Faag”, in “Shri Sankheswar Parshvanath ka Chand”, in “Parshva Ashtotar Naam Stavan”, in “Tirthmala”, in “Shri Godi Parshvanath Stavan”, in “108 Naamgarbhit Shri Parshvanath Stavan”, in “Shri Parshvanath Chaityaparipati”, in “Shri Ravan Parshvanath Stotra” etc. There is an idol of Ravan Parshvanath in Jiravala Tirth.
Trust: Shri Ravan Parshvanath Shwetambar Jain Tirth,  Birbal Ka Mohalla,  Post: Alvar – 301 001,  State: Rajasthan,  India.


श्री रावण पार्श्वनाथ

श्री रावण पार्श्वनाथ – अलवर
राजस्थान प्रांत के अलवर शहर से ३ की.मी. दूर श्री रावण पार्श्वनाथ का भव्य जिनालय है| प्रतिमाजी १२ इंच ऊँचे, ९ इंच चौड़े, सात फनों से युक्त है|
रावण पार्श्वनाथ की उत्पती के पीछे एक इतिहास छिपा है|
लंका के अधिपति आठवे प्रतिवासुदेव रावण का प्रभु पूजन के बाद ही भोजन ग्रहण करने का नियम था| एक बार रावण व मंदोंदरी विमान में बैठकर परदेश जा रहे थे| भोजन का समय होने पर उन्होंने अलवर के पास विश्राम किया, उसी समय उन्हें याद आया की जिनपूजा तो बाकी ही है| उस समय मंदोंदरी ने वेलु में से मनोहर प्रतिमा का निर्माण किया और प्रणीधान पूर्वक नवकार गिनकर प्रतिमा में प्राण भरे| उसके बाद रावण व मंदोंदरी ने पूजा की| उसके बाद ही भोजन किया|
दोनों की व्रत पालन की दृढ़ता देखकर अधिष्ठायक देव ने प्रतिमा को ब्रजवत बना दी| मंदोंदरी द्वारा निर्मित व रावण द्वारा पूजित ये प्रतिमाजी “रावण पार्श्वनाथ” के नाम से प्रख्यात हुए| वह प्राचीन जिनालय १४ वी सदीतक था|
वि.सं. १६५४ में हरिनंद क्षेष्ठी ने उस जिनालय का नवीन निर्माण कराया और उसमें रावण पार्श्वनाथ के नूतन जिनबिंब की प्रतिष्ठा कराई|


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