93.Kamitpuran Parshwanath

93.Kamitpuran Parshwanath

93.Kamitpuran Parshwanath

93.Kamitpuran Parshwanath

Mulnayak: Nearly 63 cms. high black-coloured idol of Bhagwan Kamitpuran Parshvanath in the padmasana posture. There is an umbrella of 7 hoods over the head of the idol. There is a  speciality in the hoods of this idol which is not there in any other idol of Bhagwan Parshvanath. On  the hood on both the sides, Dharnendradev and Padmavatidevi are carved

Tirth: It is in the Jain temple street in the Unhel village.

Historicity: This temple belongs to a period earlier that the 10th century. Ruins of the Gupta period are found here which indicate the antiquity of this place. The ancient name of this village was Toran. When Janmejay of Nagda, performed the Naag Yagna, he erected 4 gates with arches in all 4 directions of which one was in this place. A city was established here and it came to be known as Toran. When this was destroyed, a new city was built in its place and it came to be known as Unhel. This temple was renovated many times. The last renovation was accomplished in V.S.2020  and the idol was installed by Acharyadev Vijay Vigyansurishvarji. This idol is believed to be more than 2,000 years old. Non-jains also worship this idol with great devotion. If worshipped with great faith, the wishes of the devotees are fulfilled, hence the name “Kamitpuran”. This Parshvanath is more famous by the name of “Chintamani Parshvanath”. Miracles keep happening here. During festival days of special significance, sounds of various musical instruments being played along with the singing of devotional song are heard in the night. One feels as if the “Arati” of the Lord is being performed by some invisible divine beings from heaven. Some years ago, Ami (nectar) appeared flowing from the eyes of the idol. Some devotees cleaned the eyes by wiping off this Ami and yet the flow had continued for sometime and stopped automatically.
Other Temples: There are no other temples here.


Works of art and Sculpture: The idol of God is extraordinary and fascinating. There is no other idol of this kind. The temple is also very artistic and it is very peaceful here.

Guidelines: Unhel, the nearest railway station on the Ujjain-Ratlam railway line is at a distance of 10 kms. and Ujjain is at a distance of 40 kms. from this temple. Bus service and private vehicles are available. There is a Dharamshala near the temple. Food is provided on prior intimation.
Scripture: A mention of Kamitpuran Parshvanath is made in “Shri Parshvanath Naammala”, in “365 Shri Parshvajin Naammala” etc.

Trust: Shri Parshvanath Jain Swetambar Murtipujak Sangh Pedhi,  Post: Unhel-456221, Taluk: Khacrod, District: Ujjain,  State: Madhya Pradesh,  India.  Phone: 07366-240358, 07366-240237.

श्री कामितपूरण पार्श्वनाथ

श्री कामितपूरण पार्श्वनाथ – उन्हेल
उज्जैन से रतलाम मार्ग पर आए उन्हेल रेलवे स्टेशन से १० की.मी. से दूर उन्हेल गाँव है, जहाँ कामितपूरण पार्श्वनाथ प्रभु का भव्य जिनालय है| २५” ऊँचे व २३” चौड़े सात फनों से युक्त श्याम वर्णीय ये प्रतिमाजी लगभग २००० वर्ष प्राचीन है|
“तोरण” नाम की उत्पति के संबंध में एक दंत कथा प्रसिद्ध है| नागदा में जनमेजय में नाग यज्ञ किया था| उस यज्ञ के प्रसंग पर चारों दिशाओं में तोरण द्वारा बांधे गए थे| उस समय यहाँ भी तोरणद्वार बांधा गया था| कालक्रम से वहां बसा नगर “तोरण” के नाम से प्रसिद्ध बना, जो बाद में आज “उन्हेल” के नाम से प्रसिद्ध है|
गुप्तकालीन अवशेषों से इस नगर की प्राचीनता का ख्याल आता है|
इस प्राचीन तीर्थ के अनेक बार उद्धारक भी हुए| वि.सं. १८९८ में इस तीर्थ की पुन: प्रतिष्ठा हुई थी| वि.सं. २०२० में वापस जिणोरद्वार हुआ और प्रतिष्ठा हुई|
प्रतिमाजी के ऊपर दोनों और धरनेंद्र और पद्मावती की

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