

A fancy snack made of boiled raw bananas.


  1. Pressure cook the bananas till 3 whistles. Remove the skin and mash them.
  2. To this mixture add the green chillies, coriander and chaat masala. Mix well the ingredients and allow it to cool.
  3. In a pan, dry roast semolina, till it gives out an aroma. Add 2 tablespoons of water, stir the mixture till a lump forms. Keep aside and let it cool.
  4. Then add salt, paneer, and banana mixture to it. Mix properly to form a smooth dough.
  5. Now take small portions of the batter and shape into either oblong cylindrical croquettes or round or any shape you desire.
  6. Deep fry the croquettes in oil till they turn golden brown.
  7. Serve hot with tomato ketchup / salsa sauce / coriander green chutney.
Serves : 4
Ready In : 40 Minutes
Level : Medium
Tithi : No
Cuisine :


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