76.Vijay Chintamani Parshwanath

76.Vijay Chintamani Parshwanath

76.Vijay Chintamani Parshwanath

76.Vijay Chintamani Parshwanath

Mulnayak: Nearly 48 cms. high white – coloured idol of Bhagwan Vijay Chintamani Parshvanath in the padmasana posture. There is an umbrella of 7 hoods over the head of the idol.

Tirth: It is outside the village of Medta in Shri Parshvanath ki Vadi.

Historicity: In the 12th century of the Vikram era, Medta, also known as Medinipur and Medtapur was an ancient, rich and prosperous city. By the preachings of Maldhari Shri Abhaydevsuriji, a beautiful and alluring temple of Shri Mahaveer Bhagwan was built here and 1,000 brahmins and Kadmad Yaksha became his followers. This land is sanctified by the footsteps of many great Acharyas, Sadhus and Sadhvis who have visited this city. Many great Acharyas like Shri Jinchandrasuriji, Shri Sidhsuriji, Jagadguru Shri Hirvijaysuriji, Shri Padmasagarsurishvarji, Shri Dharmajinsurishvarji etc have visited Medta. In V.S.1687, a beautiful temple was built outside the village by the Jain sangh and the idol of Parshvanath Bhagwan was installed in it. This idol came to be known as Vijay Chintamani Parshvanath. V.S.1697 is written on the idol. This Parshvanath is also known as Vadi Parshvanath. This is the birthplace of Mahayogi Anandhanji and he attained the lotus feet of the Lord here.

Other temples: There are 14 temples here. The temple of Falvruddhi Parshvanath is nearby on  the Medta road.

Guidelines: Medta city is a junction. The temple is at a distance of 14 kms. from the railway station. Bus facility and private vehicles are available. Dharamshala and Bhojanshala facilities are available here. An Upashraya is also there.

Scripture:  A mention of Vijay Chintamani Parshvanath is made in “365 Shri Parshvajin Naammala”, in “Shri Sankheswar Parshvanath Chand”, in “Shri Bhateva Parshvanath Stavan”, in “Shri Godi Parshvanath Stavan”, in “Shri Parshvanath Naammala”, in “Chaitya Paripati”, in “Medta Chaitya Paripati” etc. Maldhari Shri Abhaydevsuriji wrote 1,000 Slokas of his granth “Bhavbhavna” in Medta and Chatrapalli. An idol of Vijay Chintamani Parshvanath is there in Kalikund Parshvanath temple in Santacruz, Mumbai.

1. The main temple of Vijay Chintamani Parshvanath is outside the village of Medta in Shri Parshvanath ki Vadi.

2. A gorgeous temple of Vijay Chintamani Parshvanath was built by Soni Tejpal in Khambat. A mention of this is made in “Shri Hirvijaysuri Raas.

3. An idol of Shri Vijay Chintamani Parshvanath was installed in a temple in Sakandarpur by the revered hands of Acharya Shri Vijaysensuriji in V.S.1654. This idol emerged from the ground.

4. There is a temple of Vijay Chintamani Parshvanath in Kalushi ki Pole in Ahmedabad. This is a very ancient idol.

Trust: Shri Vijay Chintamani Parshvanath Jain Temple, Bambavadi, Jain Gardens,  Post: Medta City, District: Nagaur – 341 510.  State: Rajasthan, India.  Phone: 01591-220312, 01591-231371.

श्री विजय चिंतामणि पार्श्वनाथ

श्री विजय चिंतामणि पार्श्वनाथ – मेंडतासिटी
मेंड़ता शहर पूर्व काल में मोदिनीपुर/मेंड़तापुर के नाम से प्रख्यात नगरी थी| जैनधर्म की यहाँ जाहोजलाली थी| मलधारी श्री अभयदेवसुरिजि म.सा. ने इस नगर में शासन प्रभावना के अनेक कार्य किये थे| यहाँ के हजारों ब्राह्मणों व कड्मड यक्ष को सूरिदेव ने प्रतिबोध किया था| पूज्य आचार्य भगवंत ने हजारों श्लोक प्रमाण स्वोपज्ञ “भवभावना” ग्रन्थ का निर्माण मेंड़ता व छत्रापल्ली में किया था|
सम्राट अकबर प्रतिबोधक जगदगुरु हीरविजयसूरीजी म.सा. सं. १६३९ में यहाँ पधारे थे| उस समय यहाँ का सुलतान जैन मंदिरों से टैक्स-कर लेता था| पू. आचार्य भगवंत ने सुलतान को प्रतिबोध किया और टैक्स दूर कराया|
यह नगरी पहले खूब आबाद थी| यहाँ के प्राचीन जिनालय व उपाश्रय इस बात के साक्षी है|
आज भी मेंड़ता में १४ भव्य जिनालय विधमान है| गाँव बाहर श्री विजय चिंतामणि पार्श्वनाथ का भव्य जिनालय है| सं १९८७ में संघ ने इस जिनालय का निर्माण कराया था| प्रतिमाजी पर १९९७ का लेख है|
सं. १३८७ में विचरित श्री रत्नशेखर कृत “प्राकृत द्याश्रय वृति” में मेंड़ता नगर के वैभव का वर्णन है|
महायोगी आनंदघन जी म.सा. की जन्मभूमि व स्वर्गवास भूमि यही है|
पद्मासन में रही हुई १९ इंच ऊँची व १५ इंच चौड़ी इस प्रतिमा के दर्शन से ह्रदय आनंद से भर जाता है

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